Dragons: Race to the Edge Episode 5

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Episode 5: Big Man on Berk

(Hiccup and the riders are flying over the sea on their dragons)

Hiccup: All right, gang, we'll buzz past the Scauldron and draw its attention so Astrid, Ruff, and Tuff can net it from behind and drag it out to sea, got it?

Snotlout: I still think we should blast it!

Bodil: Stoick just wants us to move the Scauldron out of Berk's fishing lanes, so don't get any crazy ideas.

Ruffnut: Uh, sorry. Crazy is what we do, Bo-beauty duh!

Astrid: Not today guys. We need to stay focused.

Fishlegs: Yeah! You do realize that a Scauldron's hot water blast can rip the scales right off a Screaming Death?

Hiccup: There it is. Let's focus, guys.

Fishlegs: As usual, nobody's listening to Fishlegs.

Hiccup: One... Two... Three!

Fishlegs: Ah-choo! Aah!

Snotlout: Aaah! Help me!

Hiccup: Abort, abort! Ah! Fishlegs!

Snotlout: Uhh! I knew I hated this mission.

Hiccup: Plasma blast, bud.

Tuffnut: Oh, I see how it is. You're allowed to blast it.

Snotlout: You and your Snot-rockets almost got me killed!

Astrid: Calm down, Snotlout, you lived. Yay us.

Bodil: I know right? So close.

Snotlout: No thanks to Itch-legs over here... [Realizing what they said.] Hey!

Fishlegs: It's so weird. I mean, I never... oh... ever... Ah-choo! [groans] ...get sick. [scratching] Ohh.

Hiccup: Oh, gods.

Tuffnut: Dig deeper, see if you can draw blood.

Hiccup: Well, something's clearly not right with you.

Fishlegs: [grunts] I don't see what the big deal is, okay? Everybody sneezes and scratches sometimes.

Tuffnut: Not like a honey-covered yak on an anthill. What? You've never seen a honey-covered yak on an anthill? Well, those things scratch. It's terrifying. The horrors haunt my dreams.

Fishlegs: I really don't feel sick, okay? I promise I'm fine.

Hiccup: Ugh. Well, maybe you're just allergic to something.

Fishlegs: Uh, that's impossible. Allergies don't run in the Ingerman family. I'm clean, serene and...

Ruffnut: And an itchin' machine!

Tuffnut: Might I interject? We, at the Thorston house, have a very simple allergen detection system. It has never failed.

Ruffnut: That's a system?

Tuffnut: It is now. Thousand-year-old egg. Slam this down your gullet.

Fishlegs: Hmm. Oh, it could use a little sea salt.

Tuffnut: Ahh.

Ruffnut: What about this?

Fishlegs: Aah!

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