Episode 4: Turn and Burn

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Author's note: This again doesn't actually have Bo but I'm posting it for the flow.

Hiccup: So? What do you think, bud? You got no love for the old Dragon Fly Two? Oh, come on. You love these wings. They let me fly beside you, they put us in precarious situations that you always have to save me from. It's terrific! All right, I think this is probably gonna need some welding. Hey bud, can you fire up the forge?

Snotlout: I got it.

Hiccup: Oh, my! Snotlout! How many times have I told you to not sneak up on me like that?

Snotlout: Uh, well, if you count now, I would say I don't care. Let me light the forge for you. "Us". Let "us" light the forge for you. Jeez, don't be so needy.

Hiccup: Yeah, I think I'm okay.

Snotlout: Hiccup, aren't you always complaining that I never do anything around here? Well, here I am. Snotlout "the Volunteer" Jorgenson. Ready to do Thor's work.

Hiccup: And that's what I'm afraid of.

Snotlout: Watch and learn, Hiccup. Watch and learn. Hookfang, hit it.

Hiccup: No, no, no, no! Snotlout, you have to build it gradually!

Snotlout: What? They've changed.

Hiccup: No, Snotlout, they haven't changed. It's just that this is over the line. Even for them.

Snotlout: Relax, Hiccup. Don't get your tunic in a bunch. Everything's fine.

Hiccup: Oh yeah, it's fine? It's fine? Does this look "fine" to you?

Snotlout: I guess I'm just an optimist, Hiccup. I'm what you'd call a "hut half un-burned" kind of guy. Whoa!

Hiccup: Oh, for the love of gods.

Snotlout: Ugh!

Stoick: Down, Skullcrusher!

Hiccup: Dad!

Stoick: We need to talk right away.

Hiccup: Yeah, sure thing. Let me just-

Stoick: Not you, him. I mean, your father has always been... Well...

Hiccup: Annoying?

Stoick: Well, that's one word for it. Insufferable is another. I mean, nothing is ever easy with that man. Always second-guessing me. Constantly trying to show me up. He once nearly burned down the village even though I told him to mind those torches in the gale winds. Can you imagine?

Hiccup: Huh. No, I can't imagine that. Even a little bit.

Snotlout: What?

Stoick: Ever since he joined Astrid's auxiliary Dragon Riders, he's become intolerable on a whole different level.

Snotlout: Tell me about it, Chief.

Stoick: The man suddenly has ideas on improving everything. Most of which are considerably above his place in the tribe or station in life.

Snotlout: Way above.

Stoick: Most recently, he's been pushing a plan for a secret off-Berk cache of emergency food and supplies.

Hiccup: That's actually not a bad idea.

Stoick: You're taking his side now, are you?

Hiccup: Uh. No, no. Uh, I just-

Stoick: It wouldn't be a bad idea if he didn't persist on telling it to me four times a day. I mean, how could he be so unaware and pigheaded?

Snotlout: Uh, welcome to my world.

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