Dragon's Race to the Edge Episode 8: Crushing It

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[animals hooting]


Tuffnut: Give it back. It's my blanket.

Snotlout: Ah! [grumbling] Why do we have to be the ones to stay up on Rumblehorn watch? Hookfang, I'm talking to you.


Snotlout: [sighs] We're never going to stop this crazy dragon from tearing this place up. Aaah! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!

[all shouting]

Snotlout: Ow, ow, ow!


Snotlout: That's the third time this week!


Snotlout: Ahhh! Sweet relief. [shudders]

Hiccup: The Rumblehorn! It's headed for the Eastern beach. Come on, you guys! Finally. We got it! Everybody stay back!

Tuffnut: I didn't think it would be so smelly.

Ruffnut: I didn't think it would be so hairy.

Gobber: You try shaving with a hook for an arm!

Tuffnut: The Rumblehorn talks! Quick, smack it.

Gobber: Cut me down, you simpleton!

Ruffnut: And it's got a bad attitude.

Gobber: Eh, never mind!

Bodil: Hello Uncle Gobber!

Gobber: Hello Bo-Bo!

Tuffnut: Gobber, what did you do with our Rumblehorn?

Gobber: Rumblehorn? What's a Rumblehorn?

Fishlegs: A new dragon that's been trying to chase us off the island.

Astrid: Yeah, us and everything else.

Hiccup: We've been trying to catch it and relocate it.

Snotlout: Yet we caught you. Yay, us.

Gobber: You're trying to catch a dragon with a net that can't hold a one-legged, one-armed Viking? Amateurs.

Tuffnut: Not too late to club him still. I can give him a little "Ah! Uh!" You know, "uh, uh, uh!"

Hiccup: Yeah, we should just get back and check on the dragon base.

Gobber: Eh. Well, let's see what you've done with the place. It looks very, well...

Astrid: Trashed!

Gobber: Your words, not mine.

Hiccup: The Rumblehorn must have hit us while we were out chasing you.

Tuffnut: Last chance. I can still club him. Come on, club, club, club. Join the club.

Gobber: As much as I love a good clubbing, even my own, it will have to wait. You and I need to talk. I've come with disturbing news about your father.

Hiccup: Is he all right?

Gobber: Oh, he's fine.

Hiccup: That's a relief.

Gobber: But, then again, not so fine.

Hiccup: Gobber, you're killing me. Is my father okay or not?

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