Dragons Race to the Edge Episode 11: Have Dragon Will Travel Part 2

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Quick Authors Note that's important! Please read before starting this episode.

For the purpose of this story, Astrid is a lesbian! So don't get confused. Also, this is a fact, Bodil and Heather don't get along in any way, shape, or form and probably never will. During riders of berk instead of it being Heather vs Astrid it was Heather vs. Bodil. Leading to Bo getting kicked out of the Dragon Training Academy for something she never did. Heather manipulated the situation to get make Bo the bad guy. Leading to Aquantis and Bo leaving the Island for over 5 days. So there is a lot of bad blood between the two. So that's why they are kinda feuding in this part and the rest of the series. So please don't be mad at Bo. Alright, let's get into the episode

Heather: Come on, Windshear, get us out of here.

Dagur the Deranged: Oh, Heather, don't fight it.

Hiccup: Toothless, we have to save her!

Dagur: Well, look who the dragon flew in! Glad you could join us, brother! It wouldn't feel like a family reunion without you. Now, take out that Night Fury!

Hiccup: Blast the chains, Toothless, now! [Toothless tries] Dragon-proof chains?!

Dagur: Ha-ha! Nice try, Hiccup! You didn't think I'd make it that easy for you, did you?

Savage: Come on, lads, get him!

Hiccup: Whoa! Okay, that was too close! Come on, bud. If we can't blast the chains... blast the winches!

Dagur: Come to Dagur...

Hiccup: Fire! Nice shooting, bud! [They blast the winches and Heather is free]

Dagur: [Walks up to one of his soldiers] Ahem. Excuse me, what good are dragon-proof chains WITHOUT DRAGON - PROOF WINCHES?! [Shoves the soldier through a hole in the deck.]

Hiccup: Heather you can't take on Dagur and his fleet all by yourself!

Heather: I'm not by myself. I have Windshear. I'm too close. I might not get this shot again!

Hiccup: But this is suicide!

Heather: I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

Hiccup: But are you willing to sacrifice Windshear, too? Heather, there will be another time. I promise you!

Heather: Blasting the winches, pretty smart.

Hiccup: Yeah, and a little luck never hurts either. I talked to Johann. He told me Dagur wiped out your village... and your family. I'm sorry.

Heather: Then you know why he has to pay.

Hiccup: I do. But you don't have to do this alone.

Heather: I don't know. It seems that I'm destined to be alone. First, when I was a little girl, I get separated from my birth family.

Hiccup: Your birth family?

Heather: Yes, but I don't remember much. It was so long ago. Just a few pictures in my mind. I remember my father's hands. They were rough, like sandstone, but so gentle. And I remember the smell of his wooden shield. I don't think I was supposed to play with it, but he let me anyway. And this. He gave me this horn. I don't know if it means something, but whenever I look at it, I think of him. I just wish I knew who he was.

[Back on Dragon's Edge]

Heather: Look, I'm sorry I locked up your dragons. And fed your dragon, dragon nip. I just didn't trust that you guys would let me go after Dagur.

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