Dragons Race to the Edge: Episode 12

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Day of Attitude

Forde: Remember the first thing you need to do is feel the breeze. The strength of the wind will either help you or hurt you. Now take your weapon in your hand like this. Good now feel the weight of the weapon in your hand because that is going to be key to every precision throw. Just like I taught you. Yes!

Young Bodil: I did it! I did it!

Forde: That's my girl! You're going to be one of the strongest Vikings yet, I just know it!

Young Bodil: Mom! Mom! Look! Look!

Thyra: Ahh, that's my tough little girl. Forde, It's time.

Young Bodil: Do you have to go, Dad?

Forde: I'm afraid so, little warrior. Don't worry though your mom and I will be back soon.

Young Bodil: Ok.

Forde: You keep working on your aim, my dear. Look how about I leave you my favorite Hammer. It's big but when I get back I want you to show me your perfect throw. And make sure to stay the greatest Viking of them all. 

(Flashback to present time.)

Bodil: Snotlout if I hear you chew your food like a yak for two more seconds I'm going to drag you by the ear to the highest cliff I can find and throw you off it.

Snotlout: Ha as if you could do that. (Bodil gives him a look. Scene changes to Snotout screaming Hookfang as he falls off the cliff. Hiccup and Toothless catch him. Fishlegs next to him. Astrid flew down from the top of the cliff after seeing Bodil walk away)

Hiccup: Uh.. what's happening right now?

Astrid: It looks like Bo threw Snotlout off a cliff.

Snotlout: You need to punish that girl.

Astrid: Hiccup, you know what's tomorrow.

Hiccup: That's tomorrow? I thought we had another month.

Fishlegs: Oh.... she must be feeling so lonely today.

Hiccup: Astrid, Fishlegs your job is to keep the twins and Snotout away from Bodil. I'll go talk to her, maybe we can get through this without Snotlout injured and Tuffnut hiding under anything he could find like last year.

Astrid: Of course whatever we can do.

Snotlout: What's tomorrow?

Fishlegs: You know the day where Bodil found out about her...

Astrid: Let's not talk about it, Fishlegs. We need to find the twins.

(Bodil sits in her hut brooding. Aquantis was curled up with her head rested on Bodil's lap. Scene changes to a young Bodil setting up a small rock on a log she uses her dad's hammer to take the small rock off the log without scratching the log. She looks behind her and see's ships in the distance. She laughs and starts running to the pier.)

Young Bodil: Dad! Dad! I did it! I've been working on it for weeks! I— (Stoick came off the boat with Gobber. The two of them looked extremely grim) Where are my parents?

Stoick: I'm so sorry lass.

Young Bodil: No. (She starts to back up and head back up the pier) No. No.

Gobber: They fought bravely. You should be proud.

Young Bodil: NO! (She ran back to the forest while Stoick and Gobber looked on with sad expressions. When she got back to her things she destroyed everything with her father's hammer and fell to the ground crying. Back to present time. Bodil sat up and threw the very same hammer hitting a small rock off a ledge from a very difficult angle. A silent tear rolled down her face.)

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