Episode 9: Out of the Frying Pan

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Fishlegs: Well, by my calculations, Hiccup, for the Dragon Blade to ignite in those kind of wind conditions, it would require-

Hiccup: An additional half jar of Monstrous Nightmare gel.

Fishlegs: Precisely!

Hiccup: Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Fishlegs?

Both: Build a new handle to hold twice as much gel.

Fishlegs: Of course. Now, what gauge cylinder will we use? My brain says 10, but my heart says 13.

Astrid: [Outside to the Bodil] That's a language I'll never understand.

Bodil: Yeah I think they should go with 13. Hiccup?

Hiccup: Yeah?

Bodil: Go with 13!

Hiccup: Ok!

Ruffnut: You know, we too have a language that you will never understand.

Astrid: This is news?

Tuffnut: No, seriously. We created our own secret twin language.

Ruffnut: Yeah, just in case we ever got captured and needed to communicate in code.

Bodil: Okay, I know I'm gonna regret asking this, but what exactly is this secret language of yours?

Tuffnut: It's complex, so try and follow along with that pretty little head of yours. Ello-hay, Uffnut-Ray. (Tuffnut snorts as he speaks)

Ruffnut: Ello-hay, Uffnut-Tay.

Tuffnut: We call it Boar Latin!

Ruffnut: Yeah. Genius, right? Oh, wait, uh Enius-gay, Ight-ray?

Tuffnut: Can you believe it only took us 11 years to come up with that? I mean, 15 with the research and development.

Astrid: What's with all the snorting?

Tuffnut: Uh, hello? It's called Boar Latin. Uh, boar?

Ruffnut: Yeah, heard of it? Can't have the Latin without the boar. Then it'd just be Latin. Duh. Everyone speaks Latin these days.

Tuffnut: Ummy-Day.

Ruffnut: Erk-jay.

Bodil: Hey, just for the record, we both understand everything you guys are saying.

(Fishlegs and Hiccup exit the hut, still deep in conversation.)

Fishlegs: That's ingenious, Hiccup.

Hiccup: I wouldn't have thought of it if you hadn't suggested Changewing acid.

Snotlout: Uh, I come back from patrol for this? (Mimicking) Oh, you're so smart, Hiccup. Oh, no, actually you're the smartest, Fishlegs. Oh, you're so pretty. Oh, actually you're so pretty. We're both pretty. Let's hug.

Tuffnut: Ah! Ook-Lay.

Snotlout: Uh, what was that?

Astrid: Boar Latin. I'll explain later.

Hiccup: Terror Mail. We'll continue this discussion later, Fishlegs. Huh?

Fishlegs: What is it?

Hiccup: Urgent message from the Defenders of the Wing. Mala needs help. (Scene switches to the Riders, flying towards Caldera Cay) All right, gang. Fan out and keep your eyes peeled. We have no idea what we're flying into.

(Ad lib of Defenders of the Wing, all welcoming the Riders.)

Defender of the Wing Woman 1: They're here!

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