Episode 11: Twintuition

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Hiccup: Now!

[Stormfly, Toothless, Aquantis, Hookfang, and Meatlug shoot fire at a dragon-proof chain]

Bodil: Anything?

[Hiccup and Fishlegs walk up and Hiccup places a finger on the chain]

Hiccup: [Sighs] Nothing. It's not even hot.

Fishlegs: Huh. That combination of blast just isn't enough to melt the chain.

Snotlout: Um, hello, why are we not just using Changewing acid? We know that works. Duh!

Bodil: Oh. Thanks for volunteering to milk a Changewing for us.

Snotlout: Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Funny, Bodil. [Hookfang laughs] It's not that funny, pal. Let's remember who fills your bowl. [Hookfang breathes fire at Snotlout's butt] Hookfang!

Hiccup: Look, we're not always gonna have Changewing acid on hand, Snotlout. That's why we have to find the right combination of dragon fire to get through these chains.

Fishlegs: I think we need more of our dragons' fire.

Hiccup: Okay, bud, here we go. One more time. Toothless, go. [Toothless fires] Hookfang. [Hookfang fires] Barf, Belch!

[Barf and Belch snores in their sleep]

Snotlout: Hello?! Hi?! Are you gonna help or not?

Tuffnut: No, Snotlout, we're not. Because as usual, Hiccup and Fishlegs are over-thinking everything.

Ruffnut: In delicate matters such as these, logic and reasoning can only take you so far.

Tuffnut: You have to trust your instincts.

Ruffnut: Follow your gut.

Tuffnut: You have to have the right inspiration.

Ruffnut: In other words, you must have -

[Twins butt heads]

Ruffnut/Tuffnut: Twintuition.

Astrid: Twintuition. What are you talking about?

Tuffnut: Ah-ha! We knew you were gonna say that. You know why? Because of our -

[Twins butt heads]

Ruffnut/Tuffnut: Twintuition.

Tuffnut: Yes, it's the direct perception of truth, fact, and insight, completely independent of any reasoning process or logic that we could possibly come up with.

Ruffnut: It really is the solution to any problem.

Bodil: It's actually completely possible that this exists. I can normally read Hiccup's mind since I've been friends with him since we were 7. Twins have an even stronger bond making it very likely that Twintuition exists.

Tuffnut: Exacta Moondo my beloved.

Tuffnut: Shall we?

Ruffnut: We shall.

Tuffnut: Thanks to the power of our Twintuition, we will break the chain. [Tuffnut starts running in a slow-motion scene. Ruffnut throws Macey to Tuffnut, who catches it over his shoulder and uses it to strike the chain](Coolly:) Oh, yeah. [Bodil, Fishlegs, and Hiccup look at the chain in surprise] What? [Tuffnut turns to see an unscathed chain] Oh, come on!

Bodil: Even so... both the twins are still idiots so.

Tuffnut: Okay, Macey, let's try this one more - [Macey's head falls off], Macey? Macey! Can you hear me? Say something. Say something. Oh, Thor. What have I done? These chains!

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