Episode 5: Snotlout Gets the Axe

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Snotlout: Coming in hot! Haha, that's right! Get some, Dragon Hunters, get some! Snotlout, Snotlout, oi, oi, oi! Ha! Aaaahhh!

[He lands at Ruff's and Tuff's feet]

Tuffnut: The judge from Berserker Island gave you a 6.

Hiccup: Uh, nice effort, Snotlout! We all need to stay sharp, especially with those Dragon Hunters on the loose. Astrid, you're up!

Spitelout: You really should loosen your grip there, boi-oh. It maximizes the bone-shattering potential.

Snotlout: Dad?

Hiccup: Spitelout! Eh, what a... what a pleasant surprise.

Spitelout: Eh, dull.

Snotlout: Haha, yeah, I was just telling them that, dad. Hey, did you see that.....

Spitelout: I come with news from Berk. There's to be a union tomorrow between two proud houses: our family, House Jorgenson, and...

Astrid: What kind of muttonhead would marry into the Jorgenson's?

Spitelout:...Astrid's family, House Hofferson!

Astrid: ..Wait, did he just say... House Hofferson??

Fishlegs: That is unprecedented. There has never been a union between these two families! Hoffersons have always disliked Jorgensons, and..

Astrid: Jorgensons have always irritated Hoffersons. Wait, this means Snotlout's gonna be... family?

Snotlout: What's the problem, cuz? This is just going to bring us closer!

[Astrid elbows Snotlout]

Bodil: Thank the gods my distant cousins are smart.

Spitelout: Welcome to the family, lass. Now, onto business!

[Spitelout unwraps an axe]

Snotlout: Woah! The Jorgenson family ceremonial axe! There's never been a union without it!

Spitelout: Aye, and as you know, it will need to be present tomorrow at Berk's secret matrimonial site, the Island of Friga, to chop down the ceremonial birch for this union to be official, so you, Snotlout, will be delivering it!

Snotlout: Sweet!

Hiccup: That's quite an honor, Snotlout!

Snotlout: This privilege is only given to the bravest and most virile member of the Jorgenson clan. And you guys are looking at him! Boom, baby!! Whooo!!

Spitelout: I would have done it myself if I want already responsible for procuring the beasts for the union's ceremonial 400 bore feast.

Snotlout: But I'm the family's natural second choice for the job.

Spitelout: Of course Hedgelout isn't available. He's still missing at sea...

Snotlout: Third choice. That's still good. Right?

Spitelout: Ah, and then there was Griplout..

Astrid: Griplout?

Hiccup: Are you talking about the Jorgenson that lost both his arms in that freak mutton accident?

Spitelout: Aye, he just couldn't get a good enough hold on the axe with his teeth. Remember, a lot is riding on this, boi-oh. No axe, no wedding. No wedding, well, hopefully, you're smart enough to at least figure that out. Well, I have to be in my way. Bores don't grow on trees, you know.

Astrid: Thank Thor I don't have to go to that ridiculous..

Spitelout: Oh, lass, your folks are expecting you to represent your family at the ceremony. So better get a move on!

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