Part 1

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The alarm clock rings - it's a new day. I don't expect much happening at school but it is the first day after term break so, who knows? Getting out of bed is hard enough, getting through the day is even worse.

~calling yeji

- Yahh Yeji, are you awake? School
- But it's still so earl- OH WAIT SCHOOL nooo I forgottt
- Aish, just get ready, we'll meet at the store yeah?
- Ok but remember to look good today?
- Are you saying I don't look good?
- No of course not, I mean look extra good today
- What, why??
- There's a new girl joining our school
- (sighs) Bye Yeji

Yeji has always been like that. She loves impressing new people with her style oh- and especially girls. Maybe that's a Yeji thing or maybe I'm not keeping up with today's fashion? I don't know, neither do I want to know. Ahh- I'm late now.

"Hellloooo my sleepy sloth!" Why is Yeji so loud? And why compare me to a sloth? "Yah Yeji, hi"
"Why don't you ever sound energetic??" She's so disappointed in me
"Leave me alone Yeji, I was streaming TWICE's comeback-"
"Then it's understandable, so how about we head to school?

Getting to school is a pain. Such a pain. Honestly, I'm kinda glad I have Yeji with me, she's quite the comedian.

And my curse of being in the same class as Yeji continues- ah it's okay

"Hey, we're seatmates again, how fun!" Yeji is so weird

Our teacher stands up for an announcement
"Okay class, so meet our new classmate, uhh Shin Ryujin"

And then she walked through the door-

The most beautiful girl- no- the most beautiful person I've ever seen

"He-ll-o eve-ryone. I'm Ryujin and I hope I can be a nice addition to the class" She laughed so awkwardly

And then there was me being more awkward by obviously staring at her- I should have remembered Yeji sitting next to me

"Stop looking at her!" She whispered loudly

I ignored her- well I didn't hear her

I am so unlucky, the teacher made our seating plan.

To my right, I have my childhood best friend, Hwang Yeji

And to my left, the new stunning Shin Ryujin-


Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Choi Jisu, Lia, and this is my story.

Let's see how this term goes


Ok hi, so basically this is my first time writing so it might be really bad but I hope I can still make you enjoy reading this!! I will try to update regularly-

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