Part 3

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Lia felt immature, but her actions were understandable.
"Why did I cry and run away? They were just messing around anyway?" She told herself to go apologise to them.

Of course, they accepted her apology and promised that they wouldn't cross the line next time. Lia had other things to worry about anyway.

Upon school's dismissal the next day, Ryujin decided to take a stroll around the park, making herself familiar with the surroundings. She loved touching the petals of the flower and napping on the benches. It was her favourite place.

Ryujin's POV

School hasn't been any fun so far really. I mean there is Yuna the loudspeaker, Yeji the hyperactive cat and... the softer more calm Lia. They're nice to be with. Ahh, I nearly forgot! I need to ask Lia out- I mean plan a day to work on the project. I like Lia. She's a nice person. I'm happy she's interacted with me but I'm so awkward around her haha-

Oh Lia is sitting there alone? She also likes the garden?

Back to 3rd person

"Hey Lia! How are you?"
"Oh hi Ryujin, I've been better"
"What's wrong, are you okay?"
"I have the worst headache right now. Ahhh I can't!"
Ryujin sat next to her on the bench and gently patted her head.
"Everything will be fine."
After hearing her words, Lia teared up and started crying. She couldn't control her tears and hugged Ryujin without warning. There was a heartwarming hug between them, Ryujin broke the silence by asking Lia again, what's wrong?
"My parents fight a lot. They had this argument and now they're getting divorced."
Ryujin's heart stopped for Lia. She gave Lia a even warmer and tighter hug. She said, "You'll get through this Lia, I promise you. You can talk about it with your friends maybe?"
"They don't really help with these kind of situations. They're nice people but I can't go to them in a time of crisis Ryujin."
"Then you can talk to me. I'm here for you."
Lia looked at Ryujin, those words made Lia blush a bit as Ryujin wiped her tears off her face.
"I'm so sorry for crying and hugging you like that, sorry I couldn't control myself. I'm more worried where I'll go tonight because both my parents left the house locked. They're coming back next week-"
"My mother and I wouldn't mind if you stayed with us, actually, we'd be more than happy!"
Ryujin really knew the right words to say.

Lia felt this different feeling inside her.


I'm such a bad writer, you don't have to read this but um maybe update later?

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