Part 5

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Lia and Ryujin decided it was a good idea to start working on their assignments before it was too late. While working, they were disturbed by the main door being flung wide, making a large, crashing noise. Lia looked at Ryujin in fear but clearly understood that she had nothing to worry about.
"Hey you, Mr Shin. What's with all this noise? Just open the door normally."
It was Ryujin's, younger brother. The one Lia was warned about. Her brother dashed off, ignoring the angry sister.
"Hey Daniel! I'm talking to you!"
He suddenly stopped. He stopped to look at Lia. But, who wouldn't? Lia was pretty. Daniel pointed at her and looked at Ryujin.
"Daniel, it's rude to just point at someone like that. Say hi, she's my friend."
"Hi Daniel, I'm Lia! It's nice to meet you." Lia tried to put on a friendly smile.
"Hey Ryujin unnie, I didn't know you had a girlfriend!"
Both Lia and Ryujin's eyes widened. Lia covered her face and Ryujin kept reassuring her brother that that wasn't the case at all.
"If you say so, but I think you're gay and she's your girlfriend. That's why she's here."
"Daniel, go to your room now. It's not funny." Ryujin was serious and it kind of shook Lia seeing Ryujin this angry. The young boy ran to his room teasing them on their way up.
"I'm so sorry Lia, you know my brother is a nuisance. He says whatever comes to his mind without thinking about what the other person could feel. Sorry on his behalf." Ryujin bowed and apologized.
"Hey, no it's okay! It's perfectly fine! He's still small so it's alright really, no need to apologize." She gave her smile that reassured Ryujin.
"Also, Yeji and Yuna decided to visit this new café, I'll have to go with them, do you want to come with me?"
"I wouldn't want to make your friends awkward or anything! Please go on and tell me how you found the café."
"Ryujin, I insist. Please?"
Ryujin eventually gave in. She felt awkward thinking about her spending time with Yeji and Yuna because she never had a proper conversation with them.

They both entered the café where they found Yeji and Yuna waiting. The two girls looked at Lia and gave a confused look. They didn't know Lia and Ryujin become close so quickly.
"So is this why you didn't call us before?" Yeji and Yuna teased Lia.
"No of course not, something came up actually and I just wanted you both to meet Ryujin properly."
They greeted with one another and sat down to order their drinks. Yeji and Yuna burst into laughter all of a sudden and looked at the two girls in front of them.
"We're sorry, we just can't help it." They continued laughing
Both Lia and Ryujin felt out of place so they decided to excuse themselves to the bathroom.
"Did I do something wrong?" Panicked Ryujin.
"No no of course not, they're just weird sometimes."
"Why did they laugh at me then, I feel like I did something wrong."
"Ryujin, they laughed at us. It might be..., never mind"
"No no, go on."
Lia gave an awkward smile and just said, "The same mistake your brother did earlier."
Ryujin covered her a face and felt her face burn. Well, who wouldn't? Especially when you're being shipped with your new friend by people you don't know well. They laughed it off and went back to their table. Lia gave Yeji and Yuna a glare, asking them to stop. They controlled themselves this time. Or, well, they tried to at least.

Ok, this is boring. I'm sorry but I'll think of some epic plot twist or something ok, fighting!

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