Part 21

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More time passed by. Another year with no Lia. Ryujin learnt to control her tears but the pain was still very much real and still stabbed her whenever she thought about her. Which was all time. It was Lia's birthday and Ryujin decided to write a letter for her. She wanted Lia to know that she still loved her during the years she was gone.

To the love of my life, my dear Jisu,
It's been another year without you. Another year of pure pain and I'm afraid I've gone insane without you. I just want to hug you one more time. I want to gently pat your head as you sleep. I want to see the sun rays hit your face. I want to see the smile you give when eating scrambled eggs. I want to see you again. I want to be with you again. But I will wait for you.
It's your birthday Lia, your 20th birthday.
I will always pray for your happiness, your safety and for your comfort. I want to make sure that when you wake up, you'll enjoy every second of your life.
You bring the best out of me Jisu. You've shown me what life is and how we should really bring the best out every moment. And I want to continue doing that with you. I pray you will have the best life when you wake up.
We didn't deserve this, you didn't deserve this.
I love you with all my heart and will always love you. Forever. I'll always be here for you.

Ryujin decided to go to the hospital Lia was in. She wanted to put her letter next to Lia, hoping it would do something to wake her up.

"Hi is it okay if I leave this besides Lia?"
"Yes that's okay, that's fine." The nurse said as she scribbled down notes.
"You seem close to Lia, I see you here all the time. Are you her sister or something?"
"Oh no, I'm actually her girlfriend. Life has been hard without her."
"Ahh I see, I'm sorry. Keep some faith, I hope she'll be fine soon."
"Thank y-"
The monitor in Lia's room started bleeping and make all sorts of alerting noises. The nurse rushed to find the doctor. Ryujin's heart sank while thinking of all the possibilities of what's going on. The doctor asked her to leave the room and closed the doors and curtains. Another few hours passed by. Finally a nurse came out and told Ryujin the best news she's heard after so long.
"Ms, Lia is awake!"
For the first time after so long, Ryujin had tears of pure happiness.
"In a few minutes, you'll be able to see her."
Ryujin called up Yeji, Yuna and Lia's mother, telling them the news. They rushed over to the hospital, smiling for the first time in a long time.

"Lia!" Ryujin shouted. She waited for this day for years. She saw the love of her life again.
"Ryu, I can't believe what just happened."
"You were in a coma for two whole years. And now you're here."
"Two years?" Lia looked she just had the shock of her life, well, she kind of did.
The doctor and nurses explained the whole situation, how the car accident brought her here and how she was in a coma for all this time. Lia started crying but quickly felt better after Ryujin hugged her. She felt as she waited for a lifetime for this moment. Yeji, Yuna and her mother all came everything felt back to normal. The three were relieved to see Ryujin smile and laugh for this whole time. Lia still had to stay at the hospital for that night so Ryujin asked if it was okay to stay at the hospital for the night. It was.

Later that evening, it was just Ryujin and Lia in her hospital room. It felt as if Lia never left her side.
"Lia, I've waited for this moment for years, you're finally here."
"Ryu, I want to take those two years back and live it with you." She held Ryujin's hand tightly.
"I'm stay with you forever, don't worry about these two years. Happy Birthday Lia."
"Oh, it's my birthday. I doesn't feel like. How old am I? 20?"
"You are, the letter next to you is a letter I wrote for you in case you didn't wake up but I knew you would."
"Thank you for waiting me Ryu."
"I love you Lia."
"I love you Ryujin." Lia leaned in to kiss her.
Yeji and Yuna privately informed her in how badly Ryujin kept herself. They told her about Ryujin crying herself to sleep every night and how she even stopped taking her medications. She didn't sleep properly for two years. That night at the hospital, Ryujin feel asleep while sitting next to Lia. She slept holding her hand and her head on her lap. Lia gently stroked her hair. It felt the same like before. Ryujin was the same Ryujin. Her Ryujin. She kissed her head.
"I'll never leave you again Ryu. I will love you till my last breath. Forever." Lia softly whispered as she fell asleep with her.

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