Part 13

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Lia opened the door and took her shoes off. Ryujin heard the door unlock and was surprised to not hear Lia's cute 'Ryu I'm home!' this time. Lia looked rather sad and defeated.

Ryujin instantly panicked that Yeji might have spilled the tea about her feelings but quickly realised that Yeji still respected her feelings. In a way.

"Hey Lia, are you alright? You seem a bit upset."
"Yeah Ryu, I'm honestly fine, it's okay."
"You know you can talk to me about anything right."
"I know, I'll just go freshen up. I'm tired."
"I don't want to be rude or anything, but did I do something?"
Lia looked at Ryujin. No of course not, Ryu, you've never been rude to me, you're one of the only person that has treated me well.
"Is it ok if I ask you something Ryu?" She turned to her, keep eye contact.
"Ok." Ryujin was scared to hear what Lia was going to say.

"Does it feel as if I'm using you?"

Ryujin paused and looked confused. Why would Lia ask something so absurd? Why would she think that in the first place?

"Of course not, I love being with you, I love cooking for you, I love helping you with things. Why would you ever think that."

Lia sat down.
"Well, I said I'd only need to stay for a week but it's been months and I still haven't moved out. Are you really okay with me basically living here at this point? Also, you help me with my homework. You clean the house, you do all the housework and you cook. I don't do anything. I never help you. I feel like I'm taking advantage over you even though I don't want to. Maybe I should move out? I don't deserve someone like you Ryu." Lia started crying. Nonstop tears.

Ryujin was shocked by her words. She came closer to Lia giving her a hug. A hopeful hug, "You might not know it but you help me more than you think. You help me get up on time. You make sure I've done everything right and you make sure I get rest and sleep early. You make sure my bed is made and make sure all the lights are off before we go to bed. How could you ever think you don't help? And to be completely honest, I forgot that you said only one week. Time went by so fast when it's spent with you. If you decide to move in or stay with me forever, that would make me the happiest person ever. I don't want you to leave, stay with me. Forever."

Lia cried into Ryujin's arms and all she could say was, "I want to always stay by your side too. I love you Ryu."

Now there were tears of happy tears. They both laughed as they wiped their tears.

"How about we go somewhere for dinner today?" Ryujin proposed.
"Sounds like fun!"

And another day of JinLia went by like that.

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