Part 17

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As every morning now, Lia woke up to the smell of Ryujin's cooking. Even though her nose was now familiar with the scent, it still never failed to impress her. She made her way downstairs to find her now girlfriend cooking her favourite scrambled eggs.

"Ryujinnaaahhh!" Lia came running to Ryujin and back hugged her as tight as she could, giving Ryujin all her love.
"Liaaa, you're here, I've made your favourite."
"That's not my favourite. That's my second favourite."
"Your favourite changed?" Ryujin looked confused.
"You're my favourite Ryu." Lia said while wrapping her arms around Ryujin.
"Ahh Lia!!" She blushed so her, she became fully red.
"Aww you're blushing!"
"Well of course, if you say something like that!" Ryujin tried to defend herself.
"Well then here's one more thing then."
"And that's?"
"I love you Ryuuuu."
"I love you more Lia yah." Ryujin blushed harder though.

They finished their breakfast and made their way across the street to meet Yeji and Yuna at their usual place, the café. Before Ryujin and Lia entered the door, with hands intertwined, Yuna and Yeji opened the door for them and congratulated them.

"Ahh the Choi Shin couple!!"
"JinLia is real!!"

Then, both Yuna and Yeji pestered Ryujin to explain what happened during the confession.

"So did you guys kiss too?" Yuna asked looking excited.
"We didn't do that-"
"So you're telling me confession with no kiss?"
"Well it's not necessary to kiss. You know, take is slow." Lia defend her and her girlfriend.
"You'll kiss eventually then."
"Ok let's eat!"

The evening passed by quick as Ryujin and Lia decided to take a walk around the park they first become friends and roommates.

"Well this brings back memories Ryu."
"It really does. I love this park, always reminds me of you."
"Me too, wait! Remember how your brother shipped us both? He's right now." They both laughed.
"Oh! I completely forgot to tell my mother! Well whoops, she can wait."
"My mother too! I'll tell her tomorrow."
"I want to see your mother's reaction Jisu."
"You want me to call her now?"
"Fine then..."

Lia called her mother and put the phone on speaker mode.

"Hey mom, how are you?"
"Hi honey, I'm alright, why are you calling so late."
"I have something to tell you."
"Remember Ryujin?"
"Yeah? What did she do?"
"She loves me too."
"So you're saying?"
"I have a girlfriend."
"Aww Lia, that's so cute. Tell Ryujin I told her to take good care of you!"
"Ah ma! She already does, besides, she's here."
"Good evening Mrs Choi. This is Ryujin."
"Hello Ryujin! So good to here your voice! Thank you for taking care of my Lia and giving her love! Also, please, call me Judy."
"Of course of course, Lia is the most amazing person I know, I'll keep loving her forever. You can guarantee that."
"Lia is a lucky girl, anyway! I have to go for some work! Goodnight to both of you!"
"Goodnight mom."

"Well yes! First of all, you let me live with you and I wanted to ask my mother for her thoughts if she was okay with me loving a girl. If she didn't support, I would still love you."
"Aww Liaaa."

They were sitting on the bench looking at each other. The sky was black and night was cold. Despite the cold, it felt warm being with one another. Ryujin wanted to come closer to Lia, and so she did. Her face was only a few centimetres away from her girlfriend's face now. Before Ryujin could back away a bit, Lia leaned in to kiss her. Ryujin gave Lia a warm hug, and whispered 'I love you'.

Lia was the best thing that happened in Ryujin's life.

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