Part 9

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That evening, they both decided to watch another movie and of course, eat ice cream while it was freezing cold. Ryujin did the mistake of bringing two blankets so she and Lia couldn't share one like last time. Instead, Lia offered Ryujin if she wanted to rest on her lap, and so she agreed. Ryujin lay down on the couch and placed her head on Lia's thighs. This made both their cheeks burn. Burn a lot. At one point during the movie, Ryujin looked at Lia as she lay down and Lia looked back. They both smiled. Ryujin got up and took a blanket to share with Lia. They had no distance between them again except this time, Ryujin fell asleep on Lia's shoulder. Lia stiffened as she didn't want to wake her up by accident. She wanted Ryujin to continue sleeping on her shoulder. She held her hand and thought:

Lia, you idiot, of course. You're in love with Ryujin.

"Yeji, you're right. I love her." Lia told Yeji the next day at school.
"I KNEW IT! I need to tell Yuna about this! You need to confess!"
"NO! Are you crazy! It could completely ruin my friendship with her!"
"Or it could start a new chapter of your relationship." Yeji smirked.
"Hey guys, what you talking about." Yuna came walking to the group.
"It's nothing really Yuna-" Lia tried to stop Yeji.
"Our Choi Jisu here is in love!"
The two girls squealed and Lia excused herself.

She made her way into her form class again and saw a sleepy Ryujin on her table. She stroked her gently, trying not wake her up. The curtains were flung open so a boom of sunlight hit the sleeping girl's face.

She's even prettier like this.

She placed a chair right next to Ryujin's desk so she could continue stroking her hair and carefully placed her hand on Ryujin's hand. "I love you Ryu." She whispered softly, making sure nobody could hear her. She fell asleep too. Ryujin brought this different, this better side of Lia. Before Ryujin, Lia was always tired, always annoyed and always bored. Now Lia wanted to experience each day. She wanted to experience each day with Ryujin. But it scared her how there was the possibility that Ryujin didn't love her back in that way. That's when she decided to not tell her. Maybe one day. Someday.

"Hey Lia, I'm going to the convenience store, do you want to come along?" Ryujin asked as she wore her shoes.
"Yeah, okay, sounds fun!" She smiled back.

The store itself was full, actually, packed in every corner. Ryujin located her target, it was the pack of double padded toilet paper. She held Lia's hand tight and darted through the crowd. She had to get this discount. She was successful.

"Well that was intense," Ryujin laughed as they left the store.
"You really wanted your toilet paper huh Ryu."
They both laughed the night away.
Lia felt happy.
Ryujin felt happy.

But guys are you happy with my writing? I'm trying my best! Don't forget to vote and comment or whatever!

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