Part 2

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So my teacher has placed me between my best friend and this new girl who seems interesting -

the rest of the writing will be in 3rd person

"Hey! You're Ms Choi, correct? I'm Shin Ryujin, it's really nice to meet you!" Ryujin spoke softly, patiently waiting for Lia's response.
"Hi Ryujin, yes that's me but please call me Lia. I'm glad to be classmates!" Lia tried to put on a friendly smile but she couldn't stop herself from staring at Ryujin's innocent, deep, glittering eyes. Ryujin, looked away, breaking eye contact and asked Lia if it was alright if she showed her around the school. Lia.... agreed, but she was scared she would make the first meeting awkward.

"YAAAA Lia unnie!!" A loud, booming voice echoed in the hallway.
"Yah Yuna, shut up! You're way too loud!" Lia sounded irritated. Ryujin looked at the petite girl running to her new friend. The new girl couldn't help but laugh at Lia's response.
"So Lia- wait, who are you?" Yuna questioned Ryujin.
"I'm Shin Ryujin, I'm new here so your unnie was just showing me around"
"I never knew Lia could help a person! She's never helped me before??"
Lia gave Yuna a glare. She knew it was time to shut up.
"Anyway--- so has your teacher told you about the project yet? Can't believe they're starting with projects the first day back."
"Our teacher's going to talk about it in a bit"
Yuna turned to talk to Ryujin.
"Hey Ryujin unnie, which class are you in?"
"Same as Lia"
"So you two going to work together? Oh, I forgot about Yeji, whoops."
Lia sighed, "I'm sure Yeji has already made some new friends, she'll probably work with them. Ryujin, would you-" Lia stuttered a bit, "Would you like to do the project with me?"
Yuna gave Lia the 'wth bro look' but she just looked away in the opposite direction.
"Of course, if your friend Yeji is fine, then I would love too." Ryujin's smile melted Lia.
"Great! Ok, so let's get to class now."

After school ended, Lia and Yuna met up at the café Yeji worked at, waiting for her shift to end.
"Ok Lia, what was that?" Yuna asked.
"What do you mean?" She paused to sip her coffee.
"C'mon, with Ryujin? Why did you stutter and why do you stare at her so much?"
"No, I do not, why would you assume that?"
"I know you're both girls, but you know what, you could both work really together."
"Stop imagining Yuna and eat your food."
"Guys what's going on?" Yeji finished her shift.
"So Lia here likes a girl~"
"Ahhh, Ryujin right?"
"BOTH OF YOU STOP!" Lia's tone was serious. She had enough.
The two friends apologised, their intentions were not to hurt her. Lia left the café, almost crying on her way out.

Yahh, so a little boring right now right? I promise I'll try to make it better! Fighting!

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