Part 15

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It was Saturday night, 11:42 PM. Ryujin lay down on her bed with her eyes wide open, staring at her ceiling. Her mother would wish her later in the morning, so would her grandparents and brother and there was no Lia. She wanted to sleep but couldn't. Her wish was to hug Lia when the clock ticked to the next day. It was 11:58 when she thought of falling asleep. Lia probably doesn't even know it's my birthday.

She was about to close her eyes but she heard the door bell ring. It was 12 AM. It was her birthday. She sprinted to the door to find a large red ballon that wrote 'Happy Birthday' and large box of cake. Behind the balloons and cake was Lia. Ryujin's eyes were wide open, forgetting she was going to sleep.

"Happy Birthday Ryu!" Lia smiled with her crescent eye smile.
"Oh my God, Lia! I thought-" She paused as Lia gave her a tight hug.
"I thought you didn't know my birthday was today! This is amazing of you."
"Come on Ryu, I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world. You know you mean everything to me."
"I do?"
"Well, now you do."
"Thank you Lia. This means so much."
"Hey Ryujin-"
Lia smiled brightly.
"I love you! Now let's eat cake, I'm starving!"
"Lia yahhh, let's eat."

After finishing the whole box of cake and endless discussions, Lia brought the plates to the sink.
"I want you to rest today Ryu." She said as she cleaned up some of the plates. Ryujin stood up to give her a back hug. She her arms around Lia's waist and said, "I still want to cook breakfast for you though, please."
Lia felt her face go red. She reluctantly agreed but felt even redder when Ryujin kissed her cheek. She turned around, giving Ryujin an embarrassed face.
"Oh sorry, I couldn't control myself!"
"No no, it's fine. It's only you anyway!"

The morning of Ryujin's birthday was great. She got a surprise from Lia as Lia made her signature pancakes. It's only thing she knew how to make and it just so happened to be Ryujin's favourite.

They spend the day shopping and met with Yeji and Yuna at the café. Ryujin ended her birthday with a surprise fireworks display planned by the one and only Lia.

"Thank you Lia, for everything." Ryujin said right after the fireworks ended.
It was only both of them standing outside on the rooftop. They stood to there holding hands.
"Shin Ryujin."
"I love you."
Everything was silent. There was only a gentle breeze of wind. It was Sunday 11:57.
"Choi Jisu."
"I love you too."
"Ryu, you that you mean everything to me. The world, the universe. You mean more than life itself. I love you with all my heart and will forever love you."
"Will you be mine, Ryu?"
"I'm already yours Lia, and I will always be yours."
Lia pulled Ryujin in for a hug. This time their hug was filled with more love, more sweet.
"Happy Birthday to my Ryujin."

Ok guys, has it become better? Or is it still kinda boring? The story has reached to the confession point but I still plan on writing a few more chapters. Maybe vote, comment or something?

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