Part 8

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If you have been bamboozled by my amazing, intellectual writing, then here's a little summary of what's happened:
1. Lia, Yeji and Yuna are best friends
2. Shin Ryujin is new student in Lia's class
3. Because of family issues, Lia lives with Ryujin temporarily
4. Yeji and Yuna ship JinLia
5. Lia and Ryujin have become close friends
6. Ryujin has realised she's in love with Lia
7. Lia is debating whether she's in love with Ryujin or not
8. Most importantly, Lia likes Ryujin's cooking

Ok? Let's continue the story

The random scattering sun rays annoyed Lia to the point she woke up. It was a bright Sunday morning, a bit too bright.

She made her way downstairs, hoping to find Ryujin busy with breakfast or sitting down and drinking her favourite coffee as she usually did. To her disappointment, there was no Ryujin in sight. Instead, there was a sticky note left that read:

To my dear Lia,
Hope you had a great sleep! I'm going to be out this morning to buy groceries but I'll be back soon! You'll find your favourite in the pot next to the stove. Heat it up if needed. Sorry for not informing you before! I'll make it up with a nice lunch!

Lia loved how thoughtful and caring Ryujin is, she literally is an ideal partner. She followed her instructions and heated up the pot of her favourite food. As she was eating, she heard the door bell rang and hoped it was Ryujin.

"Hey Ryuj- ahh wait, who are you?"

Lia was looking at a tall lady, wearing a skirt and blazer. She had long, silky, red hair and wore expensive black shades. She was definitely rich.

"My name is Chaeryoung, and you are?"
"Ahh nice to meet you, I'm Lia, I'm Ryujin's friend and roommate."
"A roommate? That's new, even for Ryujin."

What does this lady mean? Is she insulting Ryujin?

"Are you her friend?"
"No, I'm actually her cousin. So can I come in?"
"Of course, please come in."

Lia didn't like Chaeryoung's attitude and indirect Ryujin insult. She still remained calm and polite.

"Ryujin's out doing groceries, I'm sure she'll be back soon."
"Ok, I'll wait. So tell me your relationship with her."
"Um she's just my friend and roommate?"
"Mhm, sure, okay."
"Ryujin has never had a friend before, talk about roommate! Don't you think that's suspicious?"
"What are you trying to say?"
"Ryujin obviously likes you. C'mon Lia, it's obvious honey."
"I don't think that's the case but whatever you say."

Lia was not amused at all. There was another knock on the door, this time it was Ryujin. She hugged Lia with grocery bags in her hand.

"I'm so tired!" Ryujin exclaimed.

Lia helped her out with the grocery and told that her cousin was waiting for her.

"Ahh Chaeryoung unnie, you're here. Is something up?"
"No, just wanted to meet my annoying cousin."
"Didn't know you were brave enough to ask a girl to be your roommate," she laughed.
"Lia needed support and I just wanted to be a good friend by helping her out."
"Ok, whatever, I need to go now, just wanted to stop by for a hi."

Chaeryoung left. Ryujin apologised to Lia for her disruptive behaviour. Lia was fine though so everything was alright.

"I'll make lunch now?"
"Ryu, you just came, rest for a bit."
"But you haven't eaten much all day!"
"Worry about yourself sometimes! Stop thinking about me!"
"No buts, rest for a while and then do what you have to do."

Ryujin reluctantly agreed and went to her room for a bit.

Ryujin is still just my friend, stop thinking about anything else Lia!

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