Part 10

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The class had just settled in as Mr Kim passed out the previous test grades. The atmosphere was tense as most students knew they wouldn't do so well.

"Ahh, and here's the last one, Jisu. Ok class, review your mistakes and I'll back from the staff in room in a minute!"

To Lia's disappoint, she didn't score as well as she wanted to as she couldn't sleep properly the night before the test.

"Hey, Lia, what did you get? I only got 52%" Yeji asked Lia.

"I got 72%, I thought I did better but man, this topic is hard to understand!" Lia then turned to Ryujin to ask her about her grade.

"Hey Ryu, what did you get?"

"Oh, I got 100%" Followed by a smile.

The two, Yeji and Lia, sat there in shock? How perfect can Ryujin be?

"Damn, Ryujin, you're smart."

"I'm not actually smart, I just understand the topic really."

Mr Kim entered the room again with a pile of worksheets and stated, "A lot of you did terrible on this test, so let's study," followed by silence in the classroom.

"Mr Kim's crazy! Why did he give us so much homework!" Yeji complained as the group left the school gates.

"It's ok, you'll get through it." Lia reassured her.

"I mean 52% isn't even that bad right? It's still a pass?"

"You could do better though."

"Hey Ryujin, if I need help with my homework, will you help this poor Yeji out?"

"Of course, just let me know if you need any help or anything."

Lia tugged Ryujin's shirt, pulling her closer and whispered, "what she really means is, will you give her the homework answers."

Ryujin started to laugh a bit but quickly stopped.

"Anyway, Ryujin and Lia, I'm going home now, I promised my mother I'd have lunch with her."

Ryujin and Lia parted with their friend.

"Ahh Ryu, I have fencing class now, and then homework, please wish me luck!" Lia said as she plopped herself into Ryujin's arms.

"Don't worry, you'll manage, I'll help you with homework if you want too. Also take this, you're coming home late so make sure you eat." Ryujin passed a packed container with homemade lunch.

"Thanks Ryu, I'll enjoy this, I love you, bye!" Lia ran off to her class.

Ryujin stood there still. She knew Lia meant the "I love you" in a friendly way but still made her heart melt. She just whispered, "I love you too, my Jisu."

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