Part 4

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"No, no, that would be to much trouble for you and your mother. I couldn't."
"Lia, I insist. I don't want you to be alone and not have a place to stay."

Lia knew that Yeji and Yuna's house was too full to let her stay in and she wanted to be with Ryujin. She reluctantly agreed.

"Ok then, I'll stay with your family. But please, if I cause any trouble, feel free to kick me out!"
"Of course not silly, even if you did cause trouble, we wouldn't kick you out. I will warn you though, I have a younger brother and he's a bit of a wild child"
"No worries about that, I'm sure he's a cute kid, thank you so much for this Ryujin, you really don't know how much this means to me"
"I'm just happy to help. Would you like to come over now? I'm going home now."

Ryujin directed Lia to her house with her things. Lia had one thought in her head, 'I've only known Ryujin for a bit over a week now but she's already helped and supported me so much. I must do something for her.'

"Hey mom, we're home." Ryujin exclaimed to her mother while taking her shoes off at the entrance.
"Ryujin, you really sure it's fine, I don't want to bother your mother."
"Lia!" Ryujin took Lia's hand and dragged her inside.
"Hi Ryujin, oh who is this beautiful young lady?"
"Good afternoon Mrs Shin, my name is Choi Jisu. I'm Ryujin's classmate and new friend." Lia bowed and greeted the tall woman in front of her. She was as pretty as Ryujin.
"Dear Jisu, welcome to our house, this is the first time I've seen my Ryujin bring a friend over. Or actually, you're probably the first friend she's had!" Mrs Shin's laugh was loud but soft at the same time. Lia laughed with her and Ryujin stood there in disappointment.
"I'm honoured that I'm Ryujin's first friend. But she's a really nice girl and really nice to be around!"
"Ahh Lia, you're flattering me." Ryujin laughed.
"So mom, Lia's family are away for some time and I told her it's alright if she stays with us."
"Oh of course, please, come inside and make yourself comfortable. We're glad to have you!"
"Thank you so much for having me, if you need any help or anything, I won't hesitate Mrs Shin."
"It's a pleasure having you Jisu. Don't worry about anything! Ryujin, take Lia to her room."

Ryujin directed Lia to her room. The room looked cosy and smelles fresh. It had beautiful furniture and almost felt royal.
Lia was shocked that this was the guest room. She placed her bags on the bed and thanked Ryujin again for her kindness and hospitality.

"Ryujin, you're amazing. You have no idea how much this means, seriously. Is there anything I can do for you, please, anything." She had some tears falling as she looked at Ryujin. Her tears were wiped by Ryujin's warm hands and she hugged her again. Lia sobbed. She cried loudly.
"Not even Yeji or Yuna have done this for me before. This is the first time I've felt like someone has appreciated me. Ahh, I'm sorry, I hugged you again."
Ryujin gave Lia a warm, hopeful smile. She wanted to make sure Lia was happy.
"Lia, I'll always help you in any way I can. If you want to eat, drink or do something, please let me know, I'll be downstairs. Oh, I nearly forgot, this gives us time to work on your project too!"
Ryujin gave one last smile to Lia as she left her room.

I want you to be happier

A little more interesting? No? Aww, I'll try better next time. Fighting!

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