Part 7

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Both Ryujin and Lia walked to school together the next morning. Yeji caught them both at the school's gates.

"Hey what the hell Lia? Have you forgotten about me? You're supposed to walk with me!!" Yeji shouted at Lia.
"Oh sorry Yeji, well you know I'm living with Ryujin temporarily, it just felt faster. Sorry, next time, I promise!"
"Don't worry Lia, I was just teasing you so, did anything happen between you two?"
"No nothing, but she's become a really good friend. Maybe we could eat lunch all together or something."
"Quick question, do you feel happy with Ryujin?"
"Why are you asking?"
"You seem so much more energetic compared to before. You're like a whole new Lia! It's amazing."
"Well, I enjoy my time with Ryujin..."
"She makes you happy?"
"Yes." Lia blushed a bit.
"Choi Jisu, are you in love with Ryujin?"
'I don't know Yeji' - Lia wanted to say this but instead she said-
"No of course not, she's just become a really nice friend."
"If you say so then." She shrugged.

They made their way to their form class and sat in their allocated seats, Lia being trapped in between both Yeji and Ryujin.

For the rest of the day, Lia couldn't stop thinking about Yeji's question.

Am I in love with Ryujin? Or do I just like her as a friend? Yeji, why did you ask me!

"Is something bothering you Lia?"

Lia looked up and it was the person she was stressing over, Ryujin.

"No, nothing at all, thank you for asking, I'm just hungry really." Which was true.

"Oh, then in that case." Ryujin took out a homemade packed lunch. "I was going to give you this at the end of the day because I know you have fencing class after school, but you can have some now!"

"Aww, Ryujin, you're so sweet. Thank you so much, I'll gladly enjoy this!" She stood up to give Ryujin a hug and she hugged back. They hugged so often that they were ready for one any time. But of course, Yeji had perfect timing and entered the room while they were hugging.

Lia, this classroom is empty, everyone is outside and you're here. Inside hugging Shin Ryujin, with eyes closed and arms wrapped around and everything and you're telling me YOU'RE NOT IN LOVE WITH HER? I'm your best friend, of course I could tell.

She left before they could notice, she didn't want to interrupt their moment.
Yeji knew something was up and naturally, told Yuna about it too. The two girls went crazy over the possibilities of their relationship. Whether they didn't know they love each other yet or they were both in a secret relationship with each other. Ahh, the possibilities.

Lia left for her fencing class after her hug with Ryujin and thought,

Maybe I like her more than a friend?

OK GUYS! Is it getting better or nah?

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