Part 6

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The next afternoon, school was closed as there was some public celebrations so nothing much happened. Lia and Ryujin, naturally as roommates now, started spending a lot of time with each other. They spent so much time together than Lia even forgot about Yeji and Yuna sometimes.

The morning of the same day, Lia found herself awake by the scent of freshly made scrambled eggs. It smelled heavenly. She made her way downstairs to find Ryujin cooking breakfast and preparing the table. She gently placed two plates along with glasses and cutlery. Lia softly looked at her as she placed the butter and juice on the table. 'Ryujin is adorable' - she thought. There was some rays of light that peeked through the curtains, greeting Ryujin's face and making her look heavenly. Lia stood there staring at her for a good few minutes before the other girl noticed. 

Ryujin smiled at her. Lia smiled back and made her way down the last three steps of the stairs. She sat at the table as Ryujin carefully placed half the scrambled eggs from the pan onto Lia's shiny, white plate.

"Ryujin, this looks amazing! I can't believe you made this! Did you know scrambled eggs are my favourite?"

"I hope you enjoy Lia! I saw you order the scrambled eggs twice yesterday at the cafe so I tried making some for you this morning. Try it."

Lia took a spoonful of the eggs and smiled in delight. It burst in flavour, which made her smile from end to end, giving Ryujin Lia's cute eye smile. She laughed at how cute Lia was which only made Lia laugh back.

"I would stop going to any restaurant and just come here for food instead!" Laughed Lia. 

Lia's laugh gave Ryujin unexplainable happiness, almost as if she was waiting for this moment for the longest time. She softly replied, "I'll cook for you anytime, whenever you want, if it makes you happy." She liked seeing Lia happy.

The same evening, they both decided to watch a movie and eat ice cream, even though it was freezing cold outside. They sat on the couch sharing one blanket, sitting right in front of the TV. There was almost no distance between them now. Lia could smell Ryujin's lavender shampoo and sat even closer. 'It is cold after all,' she thought.

Halfway through the movie, Lia fell asleep. She fell asleep on Ryujin's shoulder with one arm around her. Ryujin looked at her and tucked the strands of hair behind her ear. She kept looking at her. Very gently, she carried Lia up to her bedroom and tucked her in bed. 'She's so beautiful and calm like this, I want to protect her.'

After closing the door behind her, Ryujin realised one thing.

She's in love with Lia.

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