Part 22

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"Hey Ryu! You're going to be late! Wake up!"
Lia struggled to wake up her sleeping girlfriend.
"It's just a meeting anyway. Five minutes more Lia yah."
"Some things never change. Don't make me force you."
"Do it."
Just like that, Lia threw the blanket, letting the cold air stab Ryujin's uncovered feet and arms. She was just wearing shorts and a t-shirt so she jumped.
"You did that again!"
"You asked for it." Lia smirked.
"Fine, I'll freshen up and make breakfast for you and then go."
"Thank you Ryu, I love you."
"I love you more."

It had been two years after Lia woke up from her coma. They both enjoyed life to the fullest with each other, making sure not to waste any second of it. Their love grew even stronger.

Ryujin was late for her job interview but because she stayed all night helping Lia prepare for her exams, she didn't get the five hours of sleep she needed.

"Don't forget I've made dinner plans tonight! Make sure you're ready at 7!" Ryujin prepared a date with Lia, even though it was going to be more than just a date.
"Don't worry, you've reminded me everyday for the past two weeks. How could I forget Ryu."

Ryujin's interview was successful and she got the job. Ryujin was one of the best graduates in the country, and was also one of the most respectable candidates. She had to get the job for sure. Lia was proud of her too.

"Are you ready Lia?" Ryujin said as she fixed her shirt.
Lia came down wearing the most gorgeous black dress she's ever seen. Ryujin was breathless but she was wearing nothing less. She wore a black suit and looked very beautiful, or should I say handsome, too.
"Lia, you're stunning."
"Ryu, you're even more stunning."
They laughed as they left for the restaurant.

They had oriental food which was Lia's favourite. They were so full but still had enough energy to walk around the park they first became friends in. They laughed and talked for hours and hours through the night.
"It's getting really late Ryu, how about we go back home?"
"Wait!" Ryujin stood up and switched off lights she set up earlier during the day. The lights were really well decorated, lighting up the whole park.
"Wow, you set up lights and everything Ryu." Lia looked around, very impressed by Ryujin's work.
Ryujin took Lia's hand and looked into her eyes.
"This has to be favourite place because it's the place I met you. You are my favourite person Jisu. You are my life, my love, my universe, my best friend. You mean more than life itself. Without Lia there is no Ryujin. I am incomplete without you. You bring out the best in me and every second with you feels like something beyond words."
Lia started to cry. And then Ryujin started to cry.
"Oh no, I'm crying too. I love hearing your voice every morning. I love cooking for you everyday. I just love being with you. And I want to always be with you. I find myself falling in love with you even more everyday. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So.."
Ryujin bent down on one knee. She pulled out a small blue box that contained a beautiful ring.
"Choi Jisu, will you accept this ring and marry be?"
Lia covered her mouth and started crying even more. She immediately hugged Ryujin.
"Ryu, I want to spend the rest of life with you too."
She put the ring on her finger.
"Thank you for loving me Lia."
Their hug felt like hours.
"Thank you for accepting me for who I am Ryu."
They hard distant crying and clapping. It came from Yeji and Yuna. Lia laughed as she saw her friends walk up to them.
"I wanted someone to take pictures." Laughed Ryujin.
"Look Yuna, our Lia is about to get married. We're so proud of both of you." Yeji sobbed and clapped at the same time.
"Ok pictures!!"

It was a long night of, pictures, laughing and crying. Yeji and Yuna left proudly.
"Let's go home now Lia."
Lia leaned in to kiss Ryujin.
"Let's go home."
"Hey Lia, always remember one thing."
"Tell me."
"I'll always be here for you."

The End

SO GUYS DID YOU LIKE IT? I finally finished this story, was it satisfying to read? Should I write another ff?

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