Hey Violet (25%)

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Just because 5sos signed them to a record deal is why fans are forcing themselves to like Hey Violet? That's fucking ridiculous. Don't force yourself to like Hey Violet just because they're signed to a record deal. Hey Violet aren't bad, not gonna lie (and their drummer is hella cute, like shes adorbs). But they're lacking something I can't really decipher, and that's why I don't really like them that much bEACAUSE THEY'RE LACKING QUALITY OR SOMETHING. THEY'RE JUST NOT MY JAM.

I can't even say "I don't like Hey Violet" without being called out for being "rude and disrespectful". like lol okay?? I hate not being able to have my own opinion just because society says something different. Like let me be please.

Don't call me rude and respectful when I'm being honest. Yeah, it's totally sweet and nice to fake a love for a band you never heard songs from?! Like wow, great!!1!! (Note all that sarcasm).

DON'T FUCKING CALL YOURSELF A FAN IF YOU DON'T EVEN LISTEN TO HALF THEIR MUSIC. And yes, I did listen to all their music and I still don't like them, and by the end of the ROWYSO tour (to which I sadly cannot attend), I still will not like them (note that I don't hate them, that's too strong of a word). And that's MY opinion.

If you like them, that's great! I'm glad you like/love them. You have a new band to listen to and wow I'm happy for you. I respect all of your opinions and I will continue to respect them. All I'm asking is for once, can I be respected for my opinion without being called a bitch? Because that'd be hella nice. Anyways, yeah, that's all I have to say.

xx Elly

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