20 facts about zuhal (73%)

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Okay so let's dave the best for last beCAUSE WHY NOT LOLOL.

20. I fucking hate peanut butter

19. I've broken my leg on my mom's birthday lol

18. I'm going to see 5sos on august 5th so let me know if you are going on the same date bc that would be cool af ya feel

17. Kyle David Hall is the love of my life

16. I'm the same height as Jade (sad isn't it)

15. My favorite season is spring

14. I live in Georgia, U.S.A


12. @cuddles-purdy is my bae


10. I was an ashton girl but blame luke on making me convert to a luke girl

9. I hate the sound when someone opens and closes Velcro its so fricking annoying

8. I want to be a nurse when i grow up

7. You love me

6. McDonalds fries make me cry bc they are so perfect

5. I like a lot of bands like a lot (comment a band name and i'll tell you if i like/love/hate them)

4. I'm 1D and 5SOS af

3. I am OCD when things aren't the way i want them to be -.-

2. I love you

1. Madness by sleeping with sirens is the first album i bought ever bc my parents finally said yes to me


If anyone of yall relate to me on any of these facts let me know BECAUSE THATS COOL

all the love x


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