growing up (55%)

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It's something you can't and will never avoid. Everyday you are only getting older and one step closer to being the magical number eighteen.

It's scary and challenging because normally you're used to parents/guardians doing all the things you don't really notice: paying the bills, go grocery shopping, maintain the house, ordering pizza for dinner and call for your doctor appointments.

I turned 16 a few months ago and my parents are already treating me like an adult in some areas and like a kid in other areas, like wtf??

If you want to treat me like an adult, then fully treat me like one. If you want to treat me like a kid, then treat like one, (simplest logic ever wow).

I want to live like a kid without worrying about waking up going to work, without paying bills and mortgage and doing things that will okay to do as a kid but bring an adult. growing up can suck my ass.

I know growing up is very scary because there is so much responsibility given to you as soon as you hit your eighteenth birthday like paying taxes and such and don't even get me started on college. It seems freaking impossible because of all of the stereotypes from movies about the careless professors that do lectures and give you hella work, it might not be true at all. Everyone that I talked to about college said its way easier than taking a high school AP class, like they over prepare you for college.

There will be times when you will be lost in life but things can only get better and when you do fall, you always have your friends or parents/ guardians to help you.

You may stumble and fall with life but the most important thing in life is for you to enjoy it and be stress-free. Its okay to care and be on top of what you're facing but stressing over anything ruins the fun you could've have.

Also be optimistic about your future, you'll get to roommate with your best friends, drink, party, fall in love, be happy, and go anywhere your heart desires, because you will be free.

Make your life worth living and enjoy what makes you happy.

This was kind of a serious rant but also feel free to post whatever you would like us to rant about next.

Love you babes - zuhal x

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