Chapter 36

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We make sure all our bags are packed. I snapchat the view from the window and caption it "Bye Atlanta!" Then we leave the hotel. Dad is vlogging like usual. We get into the uber and head to the airport. We go through security then jump on the plane. My seat was next to a girl who looked about 13. I tweeted "Glad to be heading home, I miss the pups!" She looked over and saw me tweeting. "Are you Alanis Trippy?" She asks nervously. I tell her I am. I give her a hug. She says her name is Marisa. I put her on my snap chat story. I vlog her and say "So, my seat was next to a ctfxcer. Say hi Marisa!" She says hi as I vlog her. We end up talking the whole flight. She takes a couple pictures with me. She tells me she actually met me at a show in Rhode Island. She shows me a picture. I tell her that that's awesome. I hug her one more time. "Nice meeting you Marisa!" I say as I shake her hand, "I wish I could talk to more ctfxcers like this." Then I eventually find mom, dad, and Lindsey. We get picked up by Phil. He drops us off at the house. We walk in as the dogs jump and bark. Dad vlogs them. Lindsey is spending the night again because tomorrow I go back to school. This'll be the first time since everything. I've been feeling up to it, so the doctors said I could. I unpack everything. Mom made us all dinner. We all eat at the table. We talk about the meetup the other day. I mention I met a ctfxcer on the plane. We then finish up. Lindsey and I get ready for bed. I tell Lindsey goodnight as she heads to the guest room. I'm kinda nervous, but I know everything will be ok.

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