Chapter 2: Calling the Election

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A/N: thank you guys so much for reading Chapter 1! I love a slow burn, so this'll be a slow burn. But trust me, it'll be worth it. Ren is a filthy, filthy man and we will fuck around and find out!

This chapter is a bit more backstory, but I feel like we need it. Just keep pushing through!! We're about to get juicy!!

I'll be posting inspo Tiktoks of the overall vibe of Shameful as I continue to write.

I love all of you!!!!!!

After I deliberately spurned Ren, I took a long, slow sip of my champagne and cast my eyes toward Poe as he cleared his throat, clearly entertained by my bitchy display. Thank God he was entertained. The more I thought about it, we were up against an entirely new beast with beaucoups of out-of-state campaign funding, a totally different brand of name recognition, and a hot candidate. This just got real.

"Kylo— can I call you Kylo?" Poe spoke up, confident as ever. "Gotta say, I was pretty shocked to hear that you filed. It's a safe seat. A relatively relaxed primary this time around. What truly brings you here all the way from DC?"

I kept my eyes on Poe, waiting for Ren to respond.

"It was a safe seat," Ren suggested. My blood started to boil. "I've followed your grassroots efforts for years. You run a great campaign, with the help of this one."

I knew he was talking about me – probably looking straight down at me, but I couldn't stand to look at him. My head was starting to get hot

"Don't get me wrong, Dameron, I noticed that everybody here knows you, loves you, appreciates you. After all, you were practically begged to run in this seat after Rep. Snoke announced his retirement. It was sure to be a landslide. You've worked your way up tirelessly, from school board, county judge... But now I'm here. We're here," Ren gestured toward his unmoving, silent Knights. "And I love a good primary."

How did he know so much about Snoke? Right before he announced he'd vacate his seat months ago, he arranged a private meeting with me and Dameron's team. He promised to throw his support entirely behind us if we decided to run. We were worlds more progressive than his platform ever was, but I figured he recognized the changing tides of our party. We were honored to be recognized.

I could see Poe cracking his knuckles. It's his nervous habit.

"May the best man win," Poe finally replied, without a hint of unease. "I'll see you around. Let me know if you need any pointers on field strategy."

He then rested his hand on my shoulder and turned us to walk away. I shifted my head back to cast a final glance at Ren, and he was already looking at me. Running his tongue across his teeth. His shoulders relaxed, hand stuffed into his pocket. His other hand wrapped around a champagne flute, making it look like a shot glass with the size difference. I started to think about how many of those thick fingers would fit inside... I bit the inside of my cheek— he was like an apex predator. I couldn't look any longer; I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears. This smug asshole thinks he can waltz in here, to a fundraiser he wasn't even invited to, and disrespect us like that? He doesn't know how I operate. He's going to regret ever stepping foot in here.

As I turned back to Poe, I heard another voice calling my name. It wasn't Ren. I looked back once again, and was faced with a tall, tanned Knight with a mop of brown curls and piercing green eyes.

"I'm Vicrul — Ren's CM. I just wanted to let you know— he likes them feisty."

I fully whipped my body around, ready to unleash a string of insults, but Poe moved to turn me back around.

"We're done here. Vicrul, is it? I suggest you go mingle. Try to grab an endorsement or two. I'm afraid you're biting off more you can chew." With that, Poe briskly led me away.

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