Chapter 22: The Debate

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hiiiiii!!!!!! hello!!!! missed you all!!!!!!!! 

we cover a lot of ground in this chapter. it's setting us up for the LOADS OF FUN TO CUM!!! LESSGETIT!


Ren walks into the office wordlessly, only nodding at me and Vicrul as we huddle by the espresso machine. His entrance causes me to drop a stir stick, and Vicrul and I bend down at the same time to pick it up. We laugh lightly at the realization, and I cast my eyes up to where Ren's standing. His expression is totally impassive— disparaging, even— before he pivots and starts toward his office.

Vicrul and I glance at each other suspiciously, easing slowly back into our conversation. I mask my utter disappointment, taking a chaste sip from my coffee cup and surveying briefly over the rest of the office. Cardo catches my eye and calls me over to his desk to discuss something about new canvassing targets. I'm bent down by his desk for a couple minutes peering at his monitor, when I feel a presence behind me, then a hand slip onto my hip.

"Hello, my good bitch," Rey hisses, giving me a light tap. I snicker and whip my head around to face her.

"Quit with the bending over a desk thing. It's gonna give some of us ideas," she teases.

"Shut the fuck up," I laugh, then turn back to Cardo. "Consider this my official green light on moving forward with the new targets. Need anything else from me?" He shakes his head in response, smiling up at me.

I face Rey again, grabbing her by the shoulder and walking her toward her desk. "I have to tell you about yesterday."

I whisper all the dirty details to her about my lazy Sunday at Ren's house, and she only interrupts with dreamy sighs and squeals at certain parts. "He's so fucking gone for you! This is insane."

"Yeah, but he's ice cold this morning."

"He hiding in his office right now?"

"As far as I know, yeah."

"Then go cheer him up."

I give her a swift, resolute pat on the shoulder, standing up and taking a deep breath. I grab my tote from the coffee station and walk toward my office to get set up for the day. I glance up toward the glass partition, and Ren's got his head buried in his laptop, hand running repetitively through his hair. He doesn't even look up as I enter through his doorway, easing the door shut behind me.

"Hey, Congressman."


"You got a hangover or something? Got crazy after I left?"

He peeks up toward the door, making sure it's shut before speaking. "I, uh..." he huffs out a breath, leaning back in his chair. He gives me a a quick once-over, then continues, "I got a strange call from Snoke today."

"Snoke?" I rest my hands atop his desk, leaning slightly toward him.

He clears his throat at our proximity. We're not even that close to each other, but it is notable how I'm the one to close the gap. "I don't even know how to... I mean, fuck—"

"Out with it. You're making me nervous." He looks so pretty today despite his obvious stress. He's got on some fitted khakis and a soft navy button-down up top. His hair looks fluffy and clean, and his lips look slightly puffy.

He shakes his head a bit, a look of slight disbelief on his face. "He mentioned a potential endorsement for Holdo."

What the fuck?

"What the fuck?" My cheeks feel hot. I bear down even harder onto the surface of his desk.

"Some bullshit about letting you push me too far left. I fought back, of course— I mean, it's why I hired you. You've brought this campaign to new heights. Heights I wouldn't have dreamt of if I'd stayed, like, uhm, complacent and moderate... the way Snoke would've liked. And then something about how I've lost focus..."

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