Chapter 38: Stranger Part 1

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in the Shameful universe, people with uteruses have full bodily autonomy. I don't have to shape my fictional world around the horrors of the real one, so I won't.

69k reads. nice ;)

"From New York Times, I'm Michael Barbaro. This is The Daily."

Michael's soothing, earnest voice accompanies me on my morning bus ride to the Capitol. I turn the volume up and focus my gaze on a meddlesome scuff on the patent shoe of a woman – presumably a junior staffer on her way to work, too – standing near me.

I sink further into my seat. For myriad reasons.

First, I can't help but feel like some sort of class traitor. My fresh new Birkin remains clutched in my lap (not out of fear of theft, though; were someone to steal it, the resale value would guarantee someone half a year's worth of financial security. Not to mention that Kylo would probably just purchase me a replacement). I could swear that the deep turquoise casts the prettiest, dreamy glow across the interior of this bus. It's that obvious. My matching (but slightly off in hue) blue satin Manolo Blahnik slingback threatens to fall off my foot, the more I nervously shake it. Complete with the gifted Rodarte burnout velvet midi dress (loud floral pattern abounding) that I've paired with everything, I look like the picture of wealth. It's all just a bit embarrassing.

Secondly, after breaking away my gaze from the floor, my podcast comes back into focus: "With the looming threat of a full government shutdown, both chambers have their work cut out for them these next few days..."

(My attention shifts back to the scuff that woman's patent shoe; there's no conceivable way that she'll ever be able to repair that)

"...While there was already an expectation for the budget to be pulled on account of a few bullish reps, the calculus is entirely different now. The urgency is there, but many question exactly how much compromise House Republicans are willing to..."

My eyes squeeze shut for a moment before I make the desperate switch from podcast to music ("Just" by Radiohead, for those curious). I go rigid at the realization that I've been so fervently seated within my little Kylo-centric love bubble that a potential government shutdown hasn't even crossed my mind.

Shutdowns occur with differing levels of severity. Some years, reps keep things at a standstill for weeks just to prove a point; other years, all's resolved within a few days.

Before I can even begin to think about exactly how late my late nights will be, we've arrived at my stop.

I stumble off the bus and throw on a pair of sunglasses. My pack of cigarettes finds its way into my palm; my morning routine has, once again, fallen into normalcy.

As if on autopilot, my feet carry me straight toward the Majesty of Law statue, where I assume I'll run into a slightly disheveled Rey holding two cups of rapidly cooling coffee.

But I don't expect to see my magnificent, huge fucking boyfriend alongside her.

'My Congressman' written in bright pink neon lights appears above his head.

My arms squeeze at my sides – I'm so awash with excitement that every muscle seems to seize up – and my pace quickens.

Kylo positively lights up (overhead neons notwithstanding) upon seeing me approach him, all decked out in his gifts. Including the panties.

Rey screeches at the sight of my bag. "What the literal fucking shit is that?!"

She envelops me in a tight hug, jostling me so much that I fear I'll get dizzy. "Ren, you did not," she hisses, pulling away and making grabby hands toward my Birkin. I hand it off to her to play with, then turn fully toward Kylo. I feel like my cheekbones are packed with sunshine-scented bath bubbles when I see him up close. The Capitol building fades into the background – the granite crumbles into a fine dust; the people walking in and out of the building shrink to the size of ants – and all I can see is him. So tall, so grand, filling up my entire field of vision. I feel the same way as I did when I saw the interior of the Library of Congress for the first time. Overwhelmed, buzzing, starstruck.

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