Chapter 41: How About That?

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HI <3

new year, new chapter. 

Wishing a prosperous, safe, and stress-free 2023 to all of you. I'd apologize for how long it took me to post a new chapter, but at this point, i'd sound like a broken record.

Thank you so fucking much, though, for spending a year and some change with this story. Your patience, support, and brilliant comments on each update bring me so much fucking joy.

And to the trusty re-readers, fear not! Your wait has ended! ;)

hope this is a good one, though. Lots of words and lots of different scenes. I wanted to add in as much shit as I had typed idly in my notes app during my little writing break. Headcanoning both John Krasinski AND some dipshit from Love is Blind as Vicrul has made for some pretty interesting content...

Also, p.s. My discord link is in my bio. All are welcome (if you're 20+). Both shameful playlists (that haven't been updated in ages) are also linked!

"Oh, thank God," Ushar groans, shoving a thick packet into my hand. "No tears today. Praise Jesus. Go brief this guy on what the fuck he's doing as Vice Chair."

My face involuntarily twists into a grimace at his first statement.

Daphne lets out a noise of quiet shock from her desk. Her pen clatters onto the keyboard. "Tears?" Her voice is tinny and full to the brim with affected sympathy. She looks between me and Kylo. "Are you okay, Chief? Something happen yesterday?" Her fingertips dance something quick and arrhythmic on her desktop.

If I weren't so on edge, I wouldn't have noticed a deceitful smirk climb slowly up her lip. Wouldn't she like to know?

"No, stellar." I don't skip a beat. "A constituent letter had me teary yesterday. You'd know what I was referring to if you managed your inbox."

(Weird prickly goosebumps – from a different family of yesterday's – scale up my neck to the top of my head at my retort. I'm so witty! Still got it.)

I give the packet a squeeze between the heel of my palm and my fingers. "And Ushar, I'd make an attempt to pull the stick out of your ass, but I feel like it'd pull everything else out with it."

Kylo snorts from my left. He rocks back and forth on his feet, his hands stuffed firmly into his pockets.

"What does that even... mean?" Ushar asks after a beat, smoothing his palm over the top of his head. "I know what you're getting at, I guess, but..."

"Um," I start, losing footing and attempting to blow away the bubbles of laughter rising up. "It's been in there for so long that it's, like, meshed with your tissue."

"Oh, cool!" he nods, flaring his nose with a fake smile.

"The stick," I clarify.

"Yeah, totally! That's some first-rate imagery for 8:30 in the morning, Chief."

"Made sense to me the first time," Kylo mutters. "For what it's worth."

"Me three!" Daphne adds.

I blink away the discomfort from this exchange and march toward Kylo's office, mysterious packet in hand.

Vicrul appears from his shared office with Rey, holding something wrapped in a napkin. He hands it to me – slightly squishy.

"Danish. I microwaved it," he murmurs, then tilts his head toward Kylo, who's stopped at the kitchenette to pour himself some coffee. "Ready for today, buddy?

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