Chapter 6: Silenced Notifications

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CW: Nausea and alcohol consumption

I feel like I'm being a tease with the Ren content. and GUESS WHAT? That's on PURPOSE! STAY PATIENT RATS! Keep your eyes on the prize!!!! P.S. I SPRINKLED A LITTLE SPICE AT THE END FOR YOU <3


A couple days later, I find myself walking toward the cocktail bar on 140 S. 5th after work. Why is it always this fuckin' bar in particular? It's a big enough city with plenty of bars to choose from.

Rey had set up a happy hour with a couple friends from the Dameron campaign. I suggested the new whiskey bar up on 7th, but she insisted that 140 S. 5th had the best gimlets. Whatever.

I definitely needed some time away from work, and I missed mindlessly gossiping about post-primary turnover.

"Well if it isn't our little moderate sell-out!" I hear Rey's voice the second I walk in, followed by scattered laughter.

"Cool your jets, Rey. I don't have a drink in me yet!" I respond, plopping down onto the booth next to her.

I look around, genuinely at ease now that I'm surrounded by old friends.

"Hey, you," Poe greets me, flashing me a knowing smile from across the table.

"Hey." My ears suddenly feel hot. Poe's gotten hotter since I last saw him, if that was even possible.

"Babe, Rey's just mad that you're making more money than she is," Rey's girlfriend Iris jokes, reaching around Rey to squeeze my shoulder.

"Whatever— don't listen to her." Rey playfully retorts. "Your gimlet's on the way. What's your beef with this place, anyway?"

"Long story," I mutter, fully leaning back against my seat.

Poe cuts in, thankfully, "You look stressed. We all look stressed. I think it's time for shots."

"It's 6pm!" Rey shouts.

"6pm is a great time for shots," he rationalizes.

I huff out an exhale, resting my chin in my palm, wry smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "I'm in."

Rose pipes up, "If the state's hottest Campaign Manager is doing shots, I'm doing shots."

"Stop! You're making me wet," I joke, wrinkling my nose.

"Speaking of wet, how's the new boss?" Rey pipes up with a smirk. She knows all about my thing for Poe. Bitch.

At that moment, I want to jump across the table and strangle her, but Poe speaks, "No, seriously— how's the job? Is it as bad as you swore it would be?"

After a hefty amount of liquor, I dive in and regale everyone with all the details of my new job. And I mean all of them.

"He probably installed that glass window the second you signed the offer. You gonna lick each other through the glass? Like prison lovebirds?"

"What's your assistant's name again? Whatever is name is, he totally wants you."

"How do you even get anything done with Ren perving around? I mean, I see how much better his campaign socials are looking. You must've whipped the digital team into shape."

"So when are you gonna let him whip you into shape?"

"Guys! Enough!" I finally whimper, coughing slightly after a full gulp of my second gimlet. I notice that the whole time my friends are goading me on, Poe remains silent, unmoving.

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