Chapter 5: Different

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I decide, right then and there, that Ren can fucking wait. Ushar had my desk all set up right in front of the window, to my delight, so I get to work immediately. I start on a memo for the whole team to download a project management web app to track progress and consolidate FEC reports, look over my plan for data hygiene projects for volunteers, and reorder, in terms of priority, the multitude of conditions I'd presented to Vicrul earlier this morning.

My inner monologues may be questionable and totally filthy at times, but I run a tight fucking ship.

As I frantically type away on my computer, I suddenly feel a presence looming behind me.


Vicrul's voice startles the absolute shit out of me. I turn around and see him hunched over, head nearly resting on my shoulder, staring at my screen.

"Hey. Seeing anything interesting?"

"Working hard or hardly working?"

"Which do you think?" I respond with a giggle.

"Well...I'm here if you need anything. I'm your assistant, remember? I'm here. To assist."

"Pull up a chair. I'll walk you through this project I'm thinking about."

After just a couple minutes of work, I see a tall flash of charcoal grey appear from the hallway.

Ren practically makes a beeline toward my desk. Am I in some sort of trouble? It's not like I'm doing anything wrong. I'm literally working. With my assistant. Who's sitting so close to me that we're nearly touching. I'm hyperaware of the warmth from his thigh that's inches away from mine.

All I can do is watch as he approaches. His eyes are trained on me the entire time, but I did notice them briefly flit toward where Vicrul is still sitting, going over his notes. He seems to take notice of Ren's glare and quickly shifts farther away from me. Weird. Whatever.

"Did you get lost on the way to my office?" Ren asks, resting his hands on my desk, fingers spread wide. Glaring at me from over my monitor, eyes shifting between me and Vicrul.

What the fuck happened to the man who begged me to manage his campaign? The man who delivered roses to my fucking doorstep and wrote little notes? And is he seriously jealous right now? I mean, good. Rock on.

"Well, no, but I've got a lot of stuff to set up so I thought I'd... start."

"When I ask you to come by my office, I expect you to do just that." With that, he turns and walks toward the hallway, expecting me to follow.

Vicrul continues to thumb through his notes, pretending not to have heard me getting reamed. And not in the way I'd prefer.

I do hear him quietly murmur, "Feisty as ever," as I get up from my desk.

I walk down the pretty lengthy hallway, walls on each side decorated with a pretty impressive collection of vintage campaign pins stuck to a bulletin board, old campaign posters, photos of a younger Ren posing with high-up politicians... things that would make any politico drool.

As I gaze at my surroundings, I pause at the sight in front of me. While I'm fucking annoyed, I do have a courtside view of a 6'2 beefcake leisurely walking in front of me. Those slacks he's wearing do a good job at accentuating his...

"Gender neutral bathrooms to your left," Ren starts with a blasé tone, slowing down his stride so I can keep up. Oddly considerate, given that he's a prick. "And my office—make sure you pay attention so you don't forget again— is directly at the end." He definitely put emphasis on 'forget,' and definitely looked behind at me while he said it. I feel like I'm being reprimanded by a teacher right now.

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