Chapter 1: The Fundraiser

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a few things: I fucking love reading comments so feel free to blow my shit up
Shameful has a playlist!! Look me up by the display name readshameful OR access through linktree
We also have a 20+ discord!! Full of shitposts. Link is in my Wattpad bio
I plan on reworking the first, like, 10 chapters eventually because my writing style seems to improve by ch11 lol
Anyway, I'm so grateful you're here. Hope you enjoy 💕♥️🫡

Present Day

"Sorry you didn't cum."

I laugh. Yeah, I didn't cum. Lately, I barely ever do when I'm with Ryan. It's gotten to the point where I'm still wearing a shirt the whole time, and I have to get on top to feel any sort of real pleasure.

But that doesn't stop me from spending every fucking Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night glancing at my phone, waiting for his name to pop up. I'm always there when he wants me. He's never there when I do. I've convinced myself it's fine that way.

After all — sometimes, when he remembers to, he talks dirty the way I like.

This particular Sunday, though, I don't spend another 2 hours post-coitus in his filthy one-bedroom, fake-laughing at videos he shows me on his phone, holding out hope that he'll see me as the cool girl he's been in love with all along. I have an early morning.

I'm starting a new job with Representative Kylo Ren tomorrow.

Politics is a filthy game, and I've been happily playing it for what feels like fucking decades. I really don't want to come off as arrogant, but I'm good at it. When I'm at a fundraiser or rally or press conference, something totally comes over me. I remember names, past conversations I've had with those names, primary drama surrounding those name it. And they love me right back. Enter Kylo fucking Ren.

9 months earlier

Ren ran a tough and dirty primary, and I hated every second of it. Right before everyone I'd expected started to announce their candidacy, he came straight out of nowhere— well, D.C., to be exact. No true organizing experience. Rich parents who always gave me mad imperialist vibes. He had the audacity to come into my state armed to the gills with the best consultants, the most seasoned staff, and a padded fucking wallet. Literally the antithesis of what my organizing experience has been. To me, he was an establishment shill looking for airtime and power. I hated him and hadn't even met him yet. That's why I worked my ass off for his primary opponent, Poe Dameron.

That whole primary, I knocked 50+ doors a night, carved out a second home in our derelict little campaign headquarters, and picked up smoking menthols. All for little to no pay. But I'd do anything to wipe the smirk off of Ren's privileged fucking face when he loses.

Poe Dameron, conversely, was a sexy, progressive spitfire. As his deputy campaign manager, I spent nearly every waking moment with this man. And it was hard. We'd make fundraising calls side by side, every night until our 8pm cutoff. I literally felt myself tense up when his shoulder would brush mine. He smelled like freshly tanned leather and cheap shower gel. It was hot. He was hot. We had our little moments, for sure. We'd sneak beers after the volunteers left for the night. We'd drink and laugh at the old donors we called up and shared horror stories of campaigns' past. That is, until his girlfriend would pick him up.

I literally fantasized about running my nails through his salt-and-pepper hair and tugging on it so I could hear his saccharine voice stutter in my ear. I wanted him to bend me over the desk where we'd staple pamphlets during the day and keep his little gold-rimmed glasses on the whole time. At one point, I'd even thought about him fucking me between canvassing houses. I found myself shaving, exfoliating, and primping practically every night before work. It was bad.

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