Chapter 35: Could Be Fun

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A heaping amount of love to each and every one of you!! Sorry this took so long for me to get out. My ex died (no messages of sympathy needed pls; i'm coping lol) so it felt weird to write anything horny for a bit

But i'm back, lol. Here's some humping for your hump day.


- tiny, tiny bit of drug use, not by MC (shes a good girl!!! Learned her lesson!)

- alcohol consumption

- impact play

- chokin'

- name callin'

- masochism at its finest


We all stand in stunned silence for a few beats, glassy eyes locked on the spot where Poe once stood. He's now but a shitty little shadow dressed in a fine suit, with a mop of salt-and-pepper curls.

I shift on my feet. My heart feels sluggish, strangely. The bile that had risen in my throat at the realization that he's practically followed me to D.C. has since dissipated.

I'm fucking tired, above all else. I spent the better part of the campaign dodging him, constantly envisioning his smug expression after he sent off each threatening text. Fearing what was to come next, watching each manufactured jab come in from Holdo's campaign... only for him to make his return, months later, with a round of chilled mid-shelf tequila shots. Some sort of double-dealing peace offering.

It's petty, really. Predictable. Yet another bad actor, indubitably sent by Snoke, set to watch every move Kylo and I make.

I'm halfway through my list of worst-case scenarios when Vicrul suddenly squeezes past me, reaching toward the bartop and handing me another tequila shot from the tray. "Silver fuckin'... linings. Pass 'er down," I can hear him mutter, picking up two more glasses by their rims and doling them out. "Dude didn't even have the foresight to ask for limes. Fuck's sake."

I huff out an incredulous laugh, still in an unmoving state of shock, then comment quietly, "He was never very... never very bright, was he?" earning a laugh from Vicrul.

Once the shots are allocated, I finally glance up toward Kylo, and it feels like I've just stepped out into the sunlight for the first time. He warms me right the fuck up, standing there looking big and tall and pretty. Poe's shitty little shadow's been fully outshined by my own personal sun.

He's already looking over at me, with a slight furrow to his brow as he works his mouth and intently studies my face. I can tell that his protective instincts have kicked in. His jaw's still tight, and one hand remains tensed into a light fist.

I let out a breath and definitively lift up my glass. "To Poe Dameron's consistent, sustained failure within the political arena," I toast, blinking away the last of my errant, bothersome thoughts. They don't serve me right now, especially on a Saturday night.

Kylo visibly relaxes once I speak up, tilting his chin downward and keeping his eyes on me as he lifts his glass in acknowledgment. "To another voyeur thrown into the mix," he adds after a while, then runs his tongue along the salted rim of the glass.

I stifle a gasp, peering around to see who's paying attention – to my relief, though, everyone's busying themselves with their free shots. He shoots me a wolfish grin.

Kylo and I down our shots together from afar, mirroring each other's movements with our eyes locked. The longer he stares, the more goosebumps tear across my skin. He's saying so much with his body language right now; I could blush.

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