Chapter 28: Honey

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As always, you're all angels and I love every single comment y'all leave on this fucken book. i read them all, probably several times over. So thank you for reading!!!!!! happy thursday (technically friday). i'm gonna go take a bubble bath. it's 3am.


It's not until I fully wake up that I realize that I spent the night by myself. But that was the best night's sleep I've had in years.

Satisfied to the brim, floating, sparkly, and totally head-over-heels.

I loaf around in bed, sinking deeper and deeper into the mattress and watching the emerging sun wink at me through my wispy curtains.

I feel as though I'm on top of the world, wiggling around in my sheets in total triumph. Kylo gave me a full orgasm last night– hopefully, the first of many. It gets me riled up just to think about it.

I sit up slightly and catch sight of the shopping bags from yesterday piled up neatly in a corner, and fall back into bed dramatically, flushing with excitement.

This morning sure would be nicer if Kylo were here next to me.

I grab my phone off my nightstand and type out a text to him, pressing send before I start to overthink it.

hey kylo

My palms glaze over with a cool sheen of sweat, and my heart starts to thump as I shut off my phone screen and slam it face-down onto the mattress.

I find myself staring up at the ceiling, hyper-focusing on the whir of the ceiling fan and the divots in the crown molding. Anything to distract from the embarrassing fact that I'm on pins and needles waiting for him to text me back.

How long has it been? It's at least been a couple minutes, hasn't it?

My phone dings, and I grasp it so quickly that it almost slips out of my hand.

Kylo: What's the story, morning glory?

I twist around giddily at his response, taking a moment to think of something clever to text back.

Me: Where'd you go?

It's desperate. I sound desperate. I am desperate. My eyes nearly lose focus from the intensity with which I watch the taunting three dots of the typing indicator. It pops up, recedes, and pops back up again. I want to throw my phone across the room.

Finally, he responds.

Kylo: Errands all day, sun drops. Breakfast meetings, brunch meetings.. Been going since 7am

I have to remind myself that he's a male in his mid-thirties, so he's not going to be the best at sustaining a text conversation. Regardless, I sigh dejectedly, opting to leave it at that. It'd been too presumptuous to expect an admission of love over iMessage, but I've lost some of my spark, nonetheless.

I choose to prolong this fit of melodrama and play "Happiness is a butterfly" over my phone speakers, sinking my face into one of my pillows and succumbing to self-induced disappointment. "Do you love me, or do you not?" couldn't be more relevant at this moment. I smash my face into the pillow for effect, huffing out a deep breath... until my phone dings again.

Kylo: You have fun yesterday?

I type up a response almost too quickly, then delete it. I stare blankly at my screen, hoping to add a bit of suspense by not responding right away.

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