Time for Change

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By the time Lisa was done dealing with Rose, August had already finished both sets and he was chilling in the booth with a bunch of people.

" Hey, Lisa where's Rose?" Ashley asked as she came up to her. " August has been asking for her since he finished singing and I haven't seen her around since he started."

" Oh, she ran off somewhere. She said she was feeling sick, and told me to tell you two that she's just going to head home tonight, and that she'll speak with him tomorrow," she told her. " Loren told me about the pregnancy and what happened between her and Mike. Sad right? Seems like she can never catch a break for nothing."

" Yeah, it's been a little rough on her since their break up but I believe she'll pull through and be just fine. Hell, right after she broke it off with Mike for cheating on her she went into business for herself. There's no telling what she might get into now. That's Rose for you," she chuckled.

" You see her anywhere?" August asked as he came up behind Ashley. " I really need to talk with her."

Ashley turned around, and she just scolded him. " You know August we really believed in you, and we thought that you would do right by her. But, the truth is you're just like every other guy, and too think I help persuade her into giving you a chance because you seem really into her. But, I was wrong!" she spat. " And to answer your question no I haven't seen her. Lisa said she left early, and that she would speak with you tomorrow."

" That's all you had to say Ashley. You could have saved all of that," he frowned, turning on his heel and making his way back up to the stage to do another song of his own.

" Well I didn't," she spat. " I swear he acts like a little ass boy," she said, rolling her eyes.

" I'm going to call it a night, and head on home. It's been rough on me ever since I lost Chris, and I'm not feeling to hot myself. I'll catch up with y'all tomorrow," Lisa said to her as she gave her quick hug before leaving quickly.

" Alright girl night," Ashley yelled out after her as she watched her leave.

" Gone so soon?" Loren asked, walking up beside her. " The party is just now getting started."

" Yeah, she said she wasn't feeling too hot. Rose left too so I guess it's just us tonight," she smiled, toasting her. " It's too many fine ass men in here tonight, and I'm just waiting for one to come, and sweep a girl like me right off of her feet!"

" SOMEBODY CALL 911!" A young lady from across the room screamed out as she came running out the the exit door.

" What's going on? What's happening?" Spoof ask as he gave the girl a puzzled look.

"There's a girl down here! I think she fell, but she's not moving."

Loren looked at Ashley, before rushing over to the exit door. When she pushed it open she nearly lost her mine as she saw her best friend laying there at the bottom of the stairs looking lifeless. " ASHLEY!" she screamed, as tears filled her eyes. " It's Rose! Go get August, and call 911," she said, as she rushed down the stairs. She almost bust her shit on the way down, but it didn't matter not one bit to her.

August didn't even bother waiting for Ashley to come get him; the moment he heard it was Rose that fell he immediately got up out his seat, and ran over to the exit door. " Rose," he gasped as he stared at her unconscious form. " Why the hell is she down here?" he yelled at Loren.

" How the hell am I suppose to know?" Loren yelled back at him. " Lisa said that she went home early...I don't know how she got here but we'll figure that out later."

" My God the baby," Ashley whispered, as she stared down at her.

" Baby?" August said, his head snapping up towards her. " WHAT BABY?" he yelled, as he stared at her. " Rose is pregnant?"

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