First Kiss

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" Rose, what do you see in this guy?" Loren asked her, as she curled her hair for her date tonight with August. 

"I honestly don't know what I see in him Lo," she replied. " But, I really do like him. He has been going out of his way to impress me, and I love it. It's not everyday you meet a guy who does pretty much anything for your attention," she smiled.

Loren nodded, and glanced at her in the mirror. " You're right! Just be careful because it was hurtful to see how down you were after Mike," she said, running her fingers through her curls.

" Loren, I'm going to be fine. Besides it was you, Lisa, and Ashley who told me to give this guy a chance. If anything happens to me it'll be on yall hands," she laughed. 

Knock Knock Knock

" Alright, but you know you my girl and I got your back right?" Loren smiled, before going to go answer the door. " Finish getting ready, and I'll hold him up for you," she said over her shoulder before opening the door. To her surprise it wasn't August, it was the infamous Mike.

" What are you doing here?" she frowned, as she glared at him.

" Well, hello to you too Loren," he smirked, making his way right pass her. " I'm here to see Rose obviously."

" She doesn't want to see you..." she chimed in.

" Lo, who is it?" she called out as she made her way into open view. She was wearing a few pieces from her boutique, and was looking mighty good in it too. She wore a peach colored bustier, and a nude, fitted, mini skirt. Then to complete her look she wore a pair of white Giuseppe pumps, gold accented accessories, and a matching clutch to go with it. " Mike? What are you doing here?"

Mike was lost for words as he looked over the woman that was once his some time ago. She had grew up to be a beautiful woman, and grew out in some places too. Baby girl was looking damn good, and it was taking everything in him not to jump on her. " Damn," was all he could say as he slowly undressed her with his eyes.

Rose blushed, and she looked away from him. " Glad you like what you see," she muttered.

"Yeah, um where are you going dress like that?" He frowned, now getting defensive.

" What I do or where I go is none of your business anymore Mike..." Rose mumbled.

" I asked you a question..." he said, stepping towards her. " Where do you think you're going dressed like that?"

" That's none of your business...." Loren interrupted. 

" Shut up," he spat, before looking back at Rose. He slipped his fingers under her chin, and lifted her head so that they was eye to eye. " Where are you going?"

Rose gazed up into his eyes, and was starting to unfold right there. She always felt small when he was around, after all that was her first love. He had that effect on her. " I have a date..." she whispered.

" With who?" He yelled.

" With me," August said as he stepped through the door. Rose let out a sigh of relief, and she quickly made her way over to him. " Hey beautiful," he smiled, as he brought the red rose from behind his back and handing it to her. " Sorry I'm late I was stuck in traffic," he lied smoothly. Really he was with Lisa, and you already know what they was doing.

" It's okay," she said, taking the Rose from him. She sniffed it, and gave him a quick hug before pulling away. She could feel Mike's eyes heavily on her, and let out a hesitant breath before introducing the two men to each other. " Mike this is August; August this is Mike..." she said, not looking at either one of them. 

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