All hell breaks loose

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( Mike in photo )

A whole day had went by, and Rose was still sitting in the same spot her friends left her end after she found out about August. The real August. She hadn't move one bit! Her hair was a mess, tears stained her now red face, and her eyes was blood shot red. The scene of August and whoever the bitch was kept replaying right there before her eyes, and the more she watched it the more something broke inside of her. What did she possibly do to deserve this kind of treatment? Especially for a second time around?

She hadn't really gotten the chance to cry and hurt for when Mike cheated on her. She felt the pain, but she shut it off as quick as she could. She used it as her motivation to strive for better, and that's what got her business and many other accomplishments. But, now it was a repeating cycle. Yeah, she was with Mike for two whole years, and he was her first love, but the pain she was feeling over August was unbearable. It was too much. From previous pain from her past relationship on to a new one. She had given up everything to August. Her love, her heart, her body, her everything. But, he played her for a fool, and a fool she was. For thinking someone like August Alsina would never hurt her. 

" ROSE!" Mike yelled, as he knocked on her door. He had been calling her ever since he was released from the hospital, but she wasn't picking up. After Lo and Ashley had told him what happened he quickly rushed over to see how she was holding up. " ROSE!"

 " Go away..." she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. " Please."

But, he wasn't having it. He wasn't going to leave. " ROSE," he yelled again, twisting the knob to find that the door was unlocked all along. He walked in, and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her posted up against the wall staring at the TV. His eyes followed, and he watched the scene over and over again. Deep down he felt terrible because even though Lisa was the whole mastermind behind this entire plan he played a part in it. " You don't need to be watching this," he said, quickly rushing to go turn the TV off.

" I-I said go away."

Mike turned around, and he stared at her. The woman he saw in front of him wasn't the woman he had fell for a few years ago. He could see the pain in her eyes, and hear the hurt in her voice. He couldn't help but feel that some of that pain and hurt was also because of what he did to her. " I'm not leaving Rose. I'm not leaving you here looking like this," he said.

" How come?" she asked, as she slowly rose to her feet. " You left me crying and hurt before so this shouldn't be nothing new to you," she snapped, her eyes locked on him.

" You shouldn't be alone right now Rose. Look at you! You're a wreck," he said, shaking his head. " I'm just here to help."

" HELP WITH WHAT?!" she screamed, her body shaking. " Help me with my pain, help me with the hurt I feel in my heart, or the help me cry? Which is it?" she yelled, as she slowly walked over to him. " You wanted this all along! To see me apart from him! That's why you were always making your little remarks, and saying things about him on the side. So, I'm damn sure you're happy that this happened. Aren't you?"

Mike shook his head, " No, Rose. I'm not!" But the truth is he was. Only he couldn't even really dwell on it seeing how it affected her. Even though Lisa kept her promise not to physically hurt Rose she still ended up hurt; but he should've known that was going to be a side effect. 

Rose laughed, and threw her head back. " But you are Mike. You are! Admit it. You're happy that I'm not with him anymore. So stop with the pretending," she yelled at him. " You all are alike. You use the women who really loves and cares for you only to just use them, fuck them, and then cheat on them. All men are worthless pieces of shit," she screamed, picking up random items and throwing them at them. " Scum bags of planet Earth," she cried, as she threw punches into his chest. " Why does this always happen to me? What did I do to deserve this?"

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