She Knows

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" So how was your trip?" I asked him, rubbing on his thigh.

" Why didn't you tell me about this Chris guy?" August asked, as he parked outside of her place.

" Didn't think I would need to tell you. It wasn't that important anyways," I responded. " Besides what's point on knowing who he was? The man attacked me!"

" That ain't what I'm talking about Lisa! You know exactly what I'm getting at right now so don't play games with me."

" You care about me don't you?"

August rolled his eyes, and he stared out the window. " Miss me with that shit you talking about."

" No, go ahead and admit it August. Admit the fact that you care about me!" I snapped. " You're here with me now. I mean you could've simply said no when I told you Rose said to take me home, but you didn't. Even though all we've been doing is having sex you've been doing this with me for as long as you've been with her. Can you honestly say you don't care?"

" You know Lisa maybe I do. Maybe I do feel something for you, but that doesn't change the fact that we said no strings attached. You agreed on it with me Lisa; so why the sudden change? Because your nigga is out of the picture?"

" That's not why Aug," I muttered. " Even though I didn't expect for any of this to happen I couldn't help the fact that I was getting attached to you. Look I'll make it up to you. Come upstairs with me for a minute. I'll make it worth your while."

" Really Lisa?" he sighed. " You just killed your man are you really trying to fuck right now?"

" I need to release some stress, and I'd be happy if you came up for awhile. Please!"

 August bit his lip, and stared out the window. He knew going up there would be the wrong choice right now, but he couldn't help his self. " Fine, but I can't stay for long. I got business to take care of."

" A hour of your time is all I need."


" What are we going to tell her Lo?" Ashley asked her as they rode over to Rose's place. " You saw how happy she was when she talked about him. It's gone break her heat."

" Yeah, but she's also going to break our neck if she finds out that we knew about it, and never said anything to her Ashley. She's our friend, best friend at that, and she always had our back. We owe her this much. Plus, I can't help but feel guilty that I took part in trying to get her to give him a chance. Now the nigga is cheating on her."

Ashley sighed, and parked her car out front " You're right! It's just after what happened between her and Mike I know this is going to kill her.

" We just have to find out for ourselves."


" What are y'all doing here?" Rose asked, coming up beside Ashley's car.

" We came to see you. You were in such at the hospital that we didn't even get the chance to talk to you," Loren responded.

" Well come on up because I have a lot to tell," Rose said, with a big grin plastered on her face. 

" Yeah so do we," Ashley muttered, getting out the car and following her and Lo upstairs.

" How was your trip?" Loren asked.

" My trip was....amazing!" she laughed, walking inside her place. " It was everything I figured it would be and more. It was so beautiful I wish I could've brought you guys along too see."

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