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" So, spill it!" Ashley beamed, looking at Rose. They were all downtown at Lenox enjoying a late lunch.

" Spill what?" Rose blushed, knowing exactly what she was referring too.

" Girl if you don't stop. You know I'm talking about August," she laughed.

Rose looked at them all, and she grinned. " Okay Okay," she smiled, sitting upright in her chair so she could spill the details. " Ever since I met him he's been nothing but good to me. That man just spoils me rotten," she told them, her blushed deepened.

Lisa tensed up, and she stared hard at her. " Have you guys done it yet?"

Rose looked up over at her, and then back down at her food. " No. But he did..." her voice trailed off, and she couldn't help but thinking about last night.

" He what girl?" Loren said, leaning forwards trying to get the scoop.

" He ate me out!" she blurted, before covering her face in embarrassment. 

Loren laughed, and she slapped hands with Ashley before looking back her. " That's what I'm talking about girl get you some. How was it?"

" It was amazing," she groaned, thinking about it. " He came over after our date from the night before, and we was just talking. It sort of turned into an argument though," she told them.

" About what?" Ashley asked with a confused look on her face.

" Well, yesterday morning when I came home Mike was there," she said, glaring at Loren.

Loren slapped her palm on her forehead, and shook her head. " Aw, man I'm sorry Rose. I tried to get him out after you left but the man wouldn't budge. He's a tough one to get through too."

" It's okay," Rose sighed. " But we got into an arugment. He was steady asking me where I was, did I sleep with August, and all types of other stuff. He then procedded to try to kiss on me, and touch me. Then he gave me a hickey," she said to them. " Before he left he was steady warning me about August and asked me to stay away from him."

Loren scoffed, and rolled her eyes. " That nigga got some nerve telling you to stay away from August when he was the one busy cheating on you with some hoe," she snapped.

Lisa looked over at Loren, and snarled but did it really low so that no one could here. Of course she was the hoe Loren was speaking on, but of course Lo didn't know that.

Rose rolled her eyes, trying not to think of Mike's wrong doing and continued talking. " Anyways me and August had a lunch date that afternoon, but I canceled after what took place with Mike, but he planned to come over later that night. I completely forgot he was coming over, and I slept the whole day away," she told them. " To make a long story short I tried to hide the hickey from August and when found out we got into a fight."

" Well, what happend after?" Ashley asked.

" After I explained to him what happened he calmed down, and tried to apologize but I wasn't having it. I told him to leave, and he didn't of course. So, he made it up to me," she blushed, before grinning. " It was the best thing ever. I mean I never knew something could feel so good."

Loren smiled, " Well, girl you needed it."

Rose giggled, before looking over at Lisa. " You okay?" she asked. Lisa had this look on her face that clearly showed she was pissed.

" I'm cool," she mumbled, looking away.

Rose looked at her oddly before shrugging her shoulders, and grabbing her purse.  " He also made me his woman y'all," she said, giggling like a little school girl. She looked at her watch before standing back up. " I got to go, but we gone finish this later. Money is calling! I got to collect those coins," she said, going to hug them all.

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