Two Year Reunion

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" Man I sure hope you know what you're doing," Spoof whispered to August as they approached one of Rose's new store locations in Miami. After August found out that she had been living there for the past few years he had to get Spoof to book their flight as soon as possible. He didn't care if he had other things going on he was just more interested in seeing Rose.

" Look, I know exactly what I'm doing." August muttered before going inside the store. Scanning each part of the place he was really surprised at how successful she had become in such a short period of time. 

" Hello, Welcome to Rose's boutique how may I help you?" A young lady by the name of Anna asked as she approached the two men.

" Ah yeah! Does Rose happen to be around at the moment?" August asked. " I would really like to see her."

The girl grinned once she realized who she was speaking to, and she put on her best act to impress him. " Well, Rose isn't around.." she said softly. " But, I can help you if it's help you're looking for?" she whispered to him as she bit down on her lip.

August chuckled a little after catching her fail attempt to impress him. " Nah, baby I'm good. I'm just here for Rose that's all."

Anna sighed, and she retreated back. " She's on vacation at the moment. She won't be coming back until tomorrow morning. Would you like to leave a message?"

" Nah, I'll just come back tomorrow." August said over his shoulder as they began to leave the store. 



Although Rose had an amazing time with Sean on vacation it was time to get back to work. She had to set up inventory, and get her order in for new materials. She was also missing her beautiful little boy. She couldn't stand being away from him, but she knew that vacation was needed. Now she felt relaxed, and ready to work.

" Good Morning Miss Rose," Anna said when Rose came strolling inside the store. " How was your vacation?"

Rose grinned, and she scurried on over to her. " I had a great time. It was very relaxing and fun, and you know we got it in," she laughed. " And what I tell you about calling me Miss Rose?"

Anna smiled, " I'm sorry for being so formal. I'm just so use to it! But, I got you. Rose," she blushed.

" Any messages?" Rose asked.

" Ah, no. There were no messages but the line has been off the ringer all morning long. Something about the website is crashing, and some customers are sounding pretty angry."

"Ugh, I knew I should've stay my ass here," Rose groaned as she ran into her office. She was getting ready to call her I.T. guy but her cell phone started buzzing off. " Good Morning Lo."

" Hey babe," Loren screamed into the phone. " How was your vacation? We missed your ass."

" I'll have to tell you all about it later I'm swamped with a lot of work right now," Rose laughed into the phone as her eyes began to scan the mess that was piled up on her desk.

" Well, I'm coming over later so get ready to spill all the details honey," Loren laughed. " Oh, by the way I dropped Elijah off at your home this morning. Your mom was there so she should told me to bring him on by."

" Thank you Lo. Now, I don't have to pick up that little rascal later on," she smiled.

"Aye, my little nephew is not a rascal," she chimed in.

" Okay, don't kill me." Rose laughed. " Well, I got to go Loren I'll holler at you later," she said before hanging up the phone. " Anna?" she yelled out as she began to pull her hair back into a high ponytail.

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