Say Goodbye

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Chris, Lisa, and Mike.

" Wassup baby I'm home," Chris said as he walked inside of their condo. He placed his bag down by the door, and he kicked his shoes off. " Baby where are you?" he called out.

Lisa came running out into the living room, and she forced a nervous smile onto her face. " Uh, baby what are you doing here? Why are you home so early?"

" Well, we closed the business deal a bit earlier then what I expected and I saw no reason for me stay out of town any longer so I thought I come home early, and surprise my baby," he smiled. " So, surprise."

Lisa laughed nervously, and she looked over her shoulder towards her bedroom. " Well, now is not a good time baby I was just about to..." her voice trailed off when he started to kiss on her.

" You was just about too what? Hm?" he whispered into her ear, as he undid her robe. " Your man comes home from a long trip of nothing but full of work, and you say now is not a good time? This is the perfect time, and I'm horny as a muthafucka. So, give me some of that sweet ass of yours," he purred in her ear.

" Chris..."

" I think she said now isn't the right time so bag up nigga," a voice coming from her doorway to her bedroom.

Chris's head snapped up, and he glared at a very naked Mike standing right there in front of them. " What the fuck is going on Lisa?" he yelled, stepping back to look at her. " I know damn well you not fucking this nigga in my muthafucking crib," he shouted. " Bitch I know you hear me talking to you."

" Chris...let me explain for a second. Mike was just..."

" I was just fucking her nigga is there a problem?" Mike interrupted, as he slid on his boxers. " I must say that girl got quite the mouth on her, and the pussy is all that."

No words was exchanged after that, because Chris blacked out and he was now lunging at Mike. He threw his fist out, making a direct connect with Mike's jaw causing him to stumble backwards. " You got me fucked up," he yelled, throwing another punch only he missed because Mike ducked, and dodged it. He then threw his fists out, and caught Chris twice in the jaw and one in his gut.

" You've got to come harder than that bitch boy," he hollered.

Chris growled, and he tackled Mike to the ground. "  You got some nerve to be all up in my spot nigga."

"  Chris get off of him," Lisa cried out, running up to him and pulling on his shoulder.

Chris turned around for a split second, and swung his arm backwards causing it to hit Lisa. " Shut the fuck up," he spat, before turning his attention back onto Mike. He wrapped his fingers around his throat, and began to put pressure. He was gone choke this fool out.

Lisa ran over to her drawer, and she pulled out her pistol just recently bought. She figured this would be the perfect time to get him out of the picture. " C-Chris don't make me do this," she said, as she pointed the gun at him. She loved him, she truly did but she couldn't let him kill Mike. That would put a huge dent in their plan, and she couldn't have that. " Chris!"

" So you gone shit me over this nigga Lisa?" Chris yelled, as he let go Mike. He stood up to his feet, and he faced her. " After everything I did for your ungrateful ass! I fed you, gave you everything you wanted, put you in this nice ass place, and gave you all the designer you could asked for. We got five years in this, and you're willing to shoot me over this nigga?"

" Chris please...don't make me do this," Lisa pleaded, even though she was going to shoot him anyway. She was just waiting for the right time to pull the trigger.

" Fuck you Lisa," he snapped, lunging at her only he didn't make it very far. She had pulled the trigger back letting off five rounds right into his body. She watched him fall down to his knees, and then over onto his side. She dropped the gun, and just stared at him. She honestly couldn't believe that she had  done it, but she did it.

" L-Lisa what the fuck? You killed him," Mike yelled, as he hopped to his feet.

" H-He was going to kill you, a-and hurt me. I had to Mike," she said, wiping away the beads of sweats that formed on her forehead.

Mike started to pace back and forth; his eyes locked on Chris's lifeless body. " I knew I shouldn't of let you get that damn gun. I just knew it. Now what do we do now?"

" W-We can call the police, and tell them what happen. It was self defense," she snapped. " Look at your neck. You have bruises around it from him choking you, and then I can tell them that he turned on me and I was just defending myself. He was going to hurt us," she cried. " They don't have to know shit about what's going on between us just get dress, and that's the story."

" You better hope this works out," he said, as he began to dress his self. " Because so help me God if it doesn't I'll kill you my damn self!"

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