Sooner or Later

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" You okay baby? What's wrong?"

I looked over at Rose, and sighed. " I'm okay baby; just a little upset that we had to end our trip a little early. But I completely understand why," I lied. Truth is I was a little salty to find out that Lisa had a man, and she had never told me a thing about him. I guess you would think she would have one, shorty is fine, but she kept it from me.

" It's okay baby! I promise once I get everything in control I'll be all yours too have," she smiled. She planted a quick kiss on his cheek, and then grabbed her bags. " We're here," she announced, walking over to the jet's door, and waiting for it to be open. " Are you coming with me?"

" I don't think that's such a good idea Rose," I informed her. " Maybe you should just go check on her, and if you have some time we can link up later."

" Baby I would really appreciate it if you came along with me. I could really use you right now, and besides you and Lisa are like friends now. I'm sure she'd be happy if you're there as well."

" You have no idea," I mumbled, grabbing my bags as well. " Let's drop this stuff off first, and then we can make our way to wherever there at now."

" Okay, let's go!"



" So tell me what happened?" Officer Darren spoke up. " I need every single detail. I know you've already told us this a few times already, but I need to get it down on paper and file it."

" OK, well when he found Mike he..."

" Found?" Darren interrupted. " I thought you said Mike stopped by."

" H-He did! Mike did stop by but that was after Chris showed up. Chris just came home, and he was in rage. It's like you could see the fury in his eyes," I lied. " He started to kiss on me, and touch me. I was telling him no but he just wouldn't stop. Mike happened to show up at the right time, and when he saw what was going on he hopped on Chris. They started to fight, and Chris was choking him. I had to find away to stop him so I pulled out my gun."

" Why was Mike coming over again?"

" He was coming over to discuss a business proposition, and that's when he saw what Chris was doing to me."

" Continue."

" Anyways, Chris started to turn on me and I was warning him. I honestly didn't mean to shoot him. It really was an accident. He was getting ready to attack me, and I guess he thought I wouldn't pull the trigger but I did."

Officer Darren sighed, and just nodded. " Well, I'm sorry to hear this ma'am. I guess it was a good thing that your friend Mike did show up in time to rescue you. Otherwise this could've been a real ugly for you."

" May I go now?"

" Sure, just sign your statement here and your free to go."

Nodding, I picked up the pen and signed my name at the bottom of the paper. " Thank you," I muttered before getting up to leave.

Officer Darren followed her right out, and handed the paper to another officer. " Have you questioned this Mike guy?"

" Nah, I think I'm going to pass on that. The guy does have bruises around his neck from being choked so she has a valid statement. Looks like self-defense to me." Darren replied.



" Oh my God Lisa!" I exclaimed, rushing over to her, and pulling her into a deep long hug. " I came as soon as Ashley told me the news. Are you okay?"

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