Six Months Later

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" That's the last of it," Rose smiled, as she taped up her last box. After many changes in her life she decided to make another one, and move down to Miami. Her business was booming which was quite a surprise to her since she was dealing with so much drama, and wasn't able to keep up with her business. But, she had Angela to thank for that. Which is why she gave her the chance to run the Atlanta boutique while she opened up another one in Miami.

Ever since she snapped on August and Mike back at the hospital she hasn't seen them since then. She did her best to avoid them as much as she could, because she wasn't in the mood to deal with their foolishness. The last thing she needed was anymore issues that would stress her out, and her baby.

The baby.

She was definitely showing, and trying to keep it hidden was becoming a harder thing to do day by day. After she told August that she lost the baby she avoided him to the max. His calls, text, and even when he stopped by a few months ago demanding to see her. She just couldn't face him after everything he had done to her, and with her lying to him about what happened to the kid. She just couldn't do it!

As far as Mike went she told him the truth about the kid. She had ran into him at the store when she was buying boxes for her move. When she saw him she had pretty much begged him to not say anything about her pregnancy to anyone. The last thing she needed was for it to get around town that she is pregnant, and if it got back to August she knew all hell would break loose yet again. Mike owed her that much to keep her pregnancy a secret.

" I really can't believe that you're leaving us Rose," Ashley cried as she wrapped her arms around her, and pulled her into a not so tight hug. " I'm going to miss you!"

Rose chuckled, and hugged her back. " I swear this girl is so dramatic," she whispered to Loren. " Ashley you're going to see me again. I'm just moving down to Miami. You know y'all can fly out anytime to come see me and your nephew."

Loren smiled, and rubbed her stomach. " That's right! You'll see me and Te Te Ashley very soon," she said, speaking to her belly.

Ashley dried her eyes, and she smiled. " You sure will," said to her stomach as well. " It's just killing me that you have to leave Rose. I mean I understand that this is a big step, and a new change in your life but you're my girl. Always had you around. But, you best believe I'll come visit you as much as I can. Hell, I might even move down there. I hear the men is way sexier than the ones here in the A. I bet those pockets fat too."

Rose laughed, and shook her head. " See I told you that girl was dramatic," she chuckled.

Loren nodded, and she sat down. " So have you decided to tell August about this baby?"

" No," she frowned. " I just really don't see why I have too."

" You know why you have to Rose," Lo responded. " You and I both know that is his baby inside of you, and he has every right to know. Why did you even lie to him in the first place?"

" Because he hurt me Lo! After finding out about the bet, and him and Lisa I just couldn't handle anymore heart break from him."

" I may not know him as well as you do, but I can guarantee you that he wouldn't do anything to cause harm to his own child. I mean you see how he is with his brother kids; just imagine how he would be with his own seed. You've got to tell him!"

" I agree with her Rose," Ashley chimed in. " You're getting ready to leave for Miami, and I feel like before you go you should take care of this."

" I will," she sighed. " Eventually, but now is just not the right time. I have a lot of things to take care, and he'll just have to wait."

" Okay," Loren said throwing her hands up. " Don't say we didn't tell you so. If this bites you in the ass don't look over here at us for help."

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