•Chapter 20• {|Battle In The Mountains|} •Pt.1•

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As Li was on the ground on still unconscious, Wukong tried to help and MK tried to call his friends to tell them what was happening until they heard more laughter and Macaque's shadows slithering and crawling inside of the temple, them smiling crookedly and looking savaged. Wukong growled and knew exactly who was doing this. "Macaque...." He mumbled as he gritted just teeth and held Li in his arms and MK by his side, the shadow's kept creeping in closer and looked as if they wanted to kill, scaring MK and causing Wukong to get a bit nervous and think of a quick plan. They backed away from the clones until she heard a familiar chuckle coming from the small crowd of shadows. "Well, well, well...looks like my plan worked!" Said the voice of a black furred monkey emerging from the crowd and smiled with his smirk and his arms crossed. "You..." Wukong hissed, keeling MK behind him and holding Li tightly in his arms. "Hey bud! It's been SOOOOOOOO long! You haven't changed a bit! I missed ya!" Said Mac in an sarcastic tone as he smiles happily at the three, making Wukong grow irritated. "Heh, tough crowd...I see that you have something of mine, may I have her ba-" "No." Mac spoke but was cut off by Wukong, he looked surprised by his brother's response but simply chuckled. "Ok, have it your way peaches! I'll let my clones play with they're new toys, have fun! Hehehehe.." The monkey spoke, vanishing into the same purple mist and letting his clones to the job, them looking hungry for blood, beginning to close in on the three more and corner them. Wukong growled and summoned his cloud, it appearing right in front of him and the others and jumped on. "Cmon kid!!!" He shouted to MK, the boy nodded and got on, holding onto Wukong and they ZOOMED quick past the shadows and out of the entrance towards the direction of the city. Mac saw what was going on and grew irritated, putting his hands gently on the ground and his eyes glowing purple, more of his shadowed clones coming out of the ground and shooting up to the three. Wukong saw and immediately snatched off some streaks of his hair, and threw them down, them glowing and turning into clones of himself and the clones collided, beating and crashing against each other in the skies, small purple and golden explosions coloring the night sky. More clones came out the temple and started following the three on foot or all fours, them desperately trying to claw or grab hold of the three, Wukong then looked at MK and said "Ready bud?! I need ya to hold on TIGHTLY, this is gonna be a wild ride!" MK immediately nodded. "Yes!" He spoke, holding onto Wukong's back and unexpectedly, the cloud ZOOMED through the skies at high speeds, dashing and speeding past mountains. MK tried his best to hold on as tightly as he could, clinging onto the his mentor. Li was still out unconscious, her being motionless and limp, Wukong look a small glance at Li and saw that she...actually looked peaceful as she was out but was more focused on getting the two back home safely from Macaque. Then not too long after, more of Mac's clones followed, them leaping off of trees or rocks on the mountain paths to get to the three. "Dang it..! He just won't quit!" Gritted Wukong as he used another few of his clones to stall them. "M-Monkey King! What about Li?! She's out cold!" Asked MK in fear. "I'm going to Kenji! He's her grandfather, only HE knows what's going on with he-AGH!!" Screamed Wukong as another one of Mac's clones grabbed onto the cloud, making it vanish and the three going down, trying they're best not to hit the mountains. "AHH!! KID, HOLD ONTO ME!!" Screamed Wukong, him grabbing MK by his coat and holding him on his back. Thankfully the monkey knew how to fly, him holding the boy on his back and Li in his arms.

Li groaned as she moved a bit, her opening the blinking her eyes and her seeing that she was in the arms of Wukong, her flinching from the sudden surprise and her immediately looking around her. "What..?! Why...-" she said and then she looked down. "AUUUUUGH!!! G-GET ME DOWN, I-I DONT LIKE HEIGHTS!!!" Screamed the woman at the top of her lungs, Wukong immediately trying to calm her. "H-Hey!!! Li, LI! Calm down! We're ok..! I can fly.." he said giving her a reassuring yet nervous smile. "Oh-...I-...oh.." she said as she blinked and calmed herself down. "BROTHER!!!" Screamed the voice of Mac from far away, him sounding rather raged. Wukong took no risk and began to fly to the direction of Megalopis, trying to avoid anything from Macaque. "W-What's going on?!" Asked Li as she looked up at Wukong in confusion and panic, "Macaque is after us, we HAVE to get back before-" and before Wukong could finish, a large purple wrap came from out of nowhere in the clouds and whipped itself towards the three violently, all of them screaming and Wukong quickly vanishing away from it and dodging the hit, it swinging and crashing into a mountain, destroying it completely. "W-What...." Li muttered in in shock and terror as she clung onto Wukong and MK looking shocked as well. "He's done this before...I know what he's doing..!" Said the Monkey King, then a loud roared screech echoed from the distance and the skies grew purple and red...as if the atmosphere completely changed. Wukong only held the other two tightly in his arms and kept going, trying to get them as far away as he could, but then was halted by another wrap grabbing ahold of him, making him drop MK and Li. "MONKEY KIIIIING!!!" Screamed MK, "K-KID!!! LI MEI!!!" He screamed afterwards, trying to desperately free himself from the tight wrap but it only began to slowly crush him, making him grunt in the pain. Li screamed in panic and tried to stop her and MK from falling, beginning to see jagged and sharp rocks and a river at the bottom of the mountains. Li immediately screamed and looked at MK, who was frantically trying to stop himself from falling also, him looking scared. "MK!!! T-Take my hand!!!" Shouted Li to MK as he had tears in his eyes, she tried to grab his hand but was far away from him, but then when MK reached out go her in tears, more wrappings whipped and wrapped around the two, catching them and slowly raising them up. Then the three were being held up by the wrappings, Wukong desperately trying to free himself and Li and MK looking scared, but Li looking more terrified of whatever the thing is thats holding them and there was silence...nothing. Then they heard chuckles of a familiar voice, Li immediately recognizing it and looking straight in the direction the voice was coming from, seeing the black furred monkey standing on a mountain not too far from them, his long and red scarf ripped and torn into multiple wrappings, the same that was holding the three, but the color of purple glowing from the ends and Mac looking more dangerous, Li screamed and tried to get free, her struggling and calling out to the other two but was cut off by Wukong violently getting flung into a mountain after mountain after mountain...him seeming to be in the depths of the clouds, not able to be seen again. "WUKONG NO!!!" Screamed Li as she began to tear up, "M-Monkey King!!!" Screamed MK, him trying to get free but failing to. "Oops..it seems that your precious monkey king is gone! Hello...snowflake." He said to Li as he smirked, his arms crossed and him using one of the wrappings to bring her closer to him. "A-Agh!!! No! My grandfather warned me of you Macaque, leave me and my friends ALONE!!!" She screamed, her kicking and squirming to break free, Macaque chuckling and bringing her closer. "Listen to me snowflake...but I have been searching for you for so long...I couldn't just let peaches take you from me..." he said as he gently dragged his claw across her cheek, leaving a small tiny scratch. "O-Ow.." Li yelped, her snatching her face away from him. "Oops..didn't mean to scratch ya..hehehehe.." he chuckled, making Li growl. "Let her go Macaque!!!" Shouted MK, him tried to use the staff but to no avail. "Hey kid, the grownups are talking...why don't ya join peaches? He's having fun dying down there in the abyss!" He said smirking as he began to violently shake and swing around MK, making the boy scream in a panicked shriek. "N-No!!! Stop!! Macaque plz I'm begging you, don't hurt him!!!" Screamed Li with tears rolling down her cheeks, Macaque saw her desperation and felt pity, "Ok! I'll let him go, ONLY if you come with me..." said the monkey, making Li flinch and look in disbelief and shock, making Mac irritated. "B-But...I-.." she said, being cut off by Macaque snatching her close to his face by her cheek, sharing an angry gaze at her eyes as he grew more feral. "You WHAT? Your scared I'm gonna hurt the kid? Heh...you seem to care about him even WUKONG so dearly..I'd be a shame if anything HAPPENED to them."  Li snapped back. "Because I DO care about him AND Wukong! You don't scare me Macaque, my grandfather was right about you-A-AUGH!!!" She yelled back but screamed in severe pain as she was being crushed tightly by the wrapping on Mac's scarf. MK screamed, "L-Li..!!! Let her go!!" but Mac didn't listen, only smiling and chuckling, him throwing MK gently at the path of the mountain, making him crash hard. "MK!!!" Shrieked Li, her face in tears and horror.

"P-Plz...leave them alone...! I'll do anything..!! Just stop this..!!" Said Li as she cried, her shaking and tears streaming off her cheeks, Mac caught a tear and looked at it, then back at her, him smirking again. "Alright..I will, only like a said before, come with me..we could run away together, do whatever we want...and finally after so long..you'll be mine." Li gasped and tried to escape, but was grabbed by Macaque and he held her in his arms, her still screaming for him to stop and let her. "S-STOP IT! LET ME GO! WUKOOONG!!! HELP ME!! PLZ!!" She screamed, her sounding as if she was scared and in trouble, Wukong was at the bottom of the abyss near the jagged rocks and river, him groaning and hurting from the pain, he rubbed his head weakly until he heard Li's voice calling to him. "HELP ME!!! MONKEY KING!!!" he heard, him flinching and looking up at above, her voice still calling him. His eyes widened and he got flashes of what was happening, seeing Mac with Li and running away with her and MK out on the rocky path...a bit of blood running down his head. "L-Li....Kid..." he whispered, then he growled furiously, summoning his staff and filled with complete rage. "RrrrrraaaaAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!" He screamed, his body glowing golden and him zooming to the top, him running on the walls of the mountains and hopped up dashing up to the surface. Mac was running and leaping from mountain to mountain, Li in his arms and her looking helpless and trapped, he was about to jump to another mountain but then Wukong immediately teleported in front of him and swung a kick to his face, Mac's eyes widened in shock and disbelief and he got hit in his jaw by the kick, him spinning his head to the other direction and blood gushing from his mouth, it was like everything was in slow motion. Li gasped and looked shock, then was grabbed out of Mac's grasp by Wukong and Mac falling motionlessly to the ground below, never being seen again. "M-Macaque..." Li muttered still in shock, her looking back at Wukong who was still heated, him glowing gold all around him and him in his amour, holding Li by her waist while his staff was in his other hand. "Are you ok, Li?" He said, looking at Li in worry and he began to gracefully flow down to the rocky path of the mountain and let her go. "Y-Yes..I'm fine..but we have to find MK! He's probably hurt...or worse!" Shouted Li, Wukong agreed and went to find the boy, looking worried.

"Oh no...MK plz be ok.." She thought as she followed. Looking worried also for MK until..."Oh no...kid.." Wukong found him...him coming back with MK in his arms, him bleeding and looking motionless.."Oh no...oh why..WHY..MK!!!" She screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks as she held his cheek for him to face her. "MK...n-no...."


[End of Chapter]

{Shadows In The Snow} |Monkie Kid AU| •Book 1•Where stories live. Discover now