Chapter 11

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You decided to go with Alfie to the boxing match in Birmingham.

The entire drive was spent sitting anxiously in the passenger seat while your brother drove.

So much could go wrong today.

You were going to see Tommy again for the first time in years and while seeing him again after everything that's happened would be hard... It wouldn't be anything compared to what you're going to have to do with the Italians.

Alfie was going to sneak them in for Luca, but you were going to take them out before they could kill Tommy. Although, you needed to do it without Tommy knowing, which will be the hard part.

Tommy Shelby wasn't a stupid man. If something was wrong, he would figure it out. But, you couldn't let him link it all back to your brother, he would kill Alfie if he ever found out.

"Stop ya fucking worrying. After this is over, we're going to Margate. Just like we discussed, yeah? You are still okay with that plan, right?" Alfie suddenly asked, glancing over at you from the drivers seat before focusing back on the road.

"Living by the beach would be nice. But, what about the business?"

"Luca will take over. We both know that fucking wop is gonna take everything anyway, right? I ain't planning on hanging around when he comes fucking knocking."

You nodded in agreement, "then Margate it is."

The rest of the drive went by quickly and before you knew it, you were walking into the boxing arena. Tommy's people searched you and Alfie thoroughly, which you knew was going to happen so your handguns were left in the car, but you had a knife stashed in your boot.

You were not coming here and fighting the Italians without some kind of weapon, but to your relief, Tommy's men didn't notice the knife.

Arthur told you that Tommy was out the back in the locker rooms, so you and your brother went straight there and found him sitting on one of the benches.

The second he heard footsteps, he lifted his head, spotting Alfie first before he saw you walking in behind him.

His bright blue eyes locked with yours and you stood there frozen to the spot as you stared back at him.

You wanted to be angry with him. After everything that had happened between the two of you... what he said the day you broke up... you wanted to be angry at him.

But, as you stood there, staring into those ocean blue eyes, the anger inside you vanished because deep down, you had missed him. You missed Tommy fucking Shelby.

You didn't say anything as you sat down on the bench opposite him, Alfie sitting beside you, but Tommy didn't take his eyes off you the entire time. Seeming shocked that you were actually there.

"Yeah, you're like me, Tommy, you can't bear to watch a fight which has got rules." Your brother said, breaking the silence. "Tommy, right, imagine... imagine that you could not see. At all, you was born blind. Then one day you open up your eyes and you can see everything in the world. When before you could only touch it or smell it."

You glanced over at you brother, unsure of where he was going with this topic before he continued to talk.

"There it is. The revelation. Innit? I've had one. Yeah, saw a beautiful house down in Margate. Great big white building... Monkey puzzle tree against the sky blue. Beautiful. A piece of heaven."

Alfie had told you about that house. You weren't sure when he had time to go and visit the town and actually look for houses, but he did and he found one he liked. And if it was good enough for him, it was good enough for you.

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