Chapter 3-

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"Are you insane?!" John's voice shouted.

Tommy frowned in confusion as he walked through the front door of the Garrison, nodding at Harry before he opened the doors to the private room where John's voice had come from.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" He heard Y/N say.

"Answer what?" Tommy asked, stepping inside to find Y/N and his brothers sitting at the table.

"Your girl is crazy, brother." Arthur said, shaking his head.

"I keep telling you guys, I'm not his girl." Y/N said, leaning over the table as she grabbed the bottle of whiskey and a clean glass.

"Why the bloody hell not?" John asked.

She glanced up at Tommy, her eyes studying him for a moment before she poured the glass of whiskey and slid it across the table towards him. He grabbed the glass before it could fall off the table and took a sip.

"Because Tommy won't make a move on me." She replied with a shrug causing him to nearly choke on his whiskey.

Out of all the things he thought she might say, that was definitely not one of them and he found himself unsure of how to respond.

John and Arthur seemed to find it amusing though as they laughed while Y/N just looked at him innocently.

"She wasn't sent here to be my girl. She was sent here to help us against Sabini. Get that into your thick heads." He reminded, pointing at his brothers.

"Bullshit." John said, looking at him. "You're just too scared of her brother to make a move on her."

"I am not scared of Mr. Solomons."

"Yeah, right." Arthur mumbled into his drink.

Y/N chuckled softly, looking between him and his brothers in amusement.

"I'm not." Tommy insisted, glaring at his eldest brother before he sat down at the table beside Y/N.

He could feel her looking at him, but he chose to focus on the whiskey in his hand instead of looking at her.

"Then prove it." John challenged. "Prove that you aren't scared of her brother."

He raised his eyebrow, "how?"

"Kiss me." Y/N suddenly said.

He paused for a moment, thinking he heard her wrong, but by the way his brother's mouths were gaping open, he knew he didn't.

Slowly, he turned towards her, those beautiful Y/E/C eyes looking straight back at him.

"You are scared of Alfie, aren't you?" She said, a hint of a smile forming on her face.

"Sweetheart, nobody scares me."

She turned in her seat to face him and he didn't wait for her to say anything before he lifted his hand, cupping the side of her face and captured her lips with his.

He was vaguely aware of Arthur and John cheering in the background, but all he could focus on was how perfect her lips felt against his. She started to kiss him back, her hand resting over the back of his neck as she pulled him closer. He let himself be moved, deepening the kiss, both hands cupping the side of her face as they made out.

"Alright, alright. Point proven. Get a fucking room, you two." Arthur muttered from across the table.

Y/N smiled against his lips as she kissed him again before pulling away.

"You're a good kisser, Mr. Shelby." She said, but he shook his head.

"Tommy." He corrected.

She smiled again, "you're a good kisser, Tommy."

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