Untitled Part 18

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The boat ride from Boston was literally hell.

You had never been so sick in your entire life. Majority of the ride you spent either leaning over the edge and throwing up with Tommy holding your back so you didn't fall over board or you were laying down trying to ignore the seasickness.

Poor Tommy had enough to worry about with whatever was going on with Ruby, he didn't need to worry about you either. Yet, he was fussing over you the entire ride and even braided your hair at the back of your head to keep it out your face.

If you weren't feeling like crap, you would've teased him for how perfect the braid was. He had been helping teach Ruby how to braid her hair a few months which then meant you had to teach Tommy who then in turn taught Ruby. It was sweet that he wanted to learn it for his daughter.

"You're getting more colour in your face. You feeling any better?" Tommy asked worriedly from the seat beside you in the back of the car.

You shrugged your shoulders, "I'm just glad we're off that fucking boat."

"We're nearly at Arrow House. Once we're back you're lying down and Francis will make some of that special tea, alright?"

He lifted his arm and wrapped it around your shoulders, pulling you into his side as you curled up on the backseat against him. Neither of you said anything after that and before long you must have fallen asleep because the next thing you knew, the car was slowing down in front of Arrow House.

You lifted your head from Tommy's shoulder and glanced out the window to find Ruby running out the mansion towards the car. Tommy smiled brightly from beside you at the sight of his little girl.

Oh, thank God she was okay.

"Daddy!" Ruby shouted excitedly.

The car eventually came to a stop in front of the building and Tommy quickly looked over at you, his mouth opening to ask whether you were okay.

"I'm fine. Go hug your kids." You said.

Tommy nodded, leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss to your lips before climbing out the car and immediately getting jumped on by Ruby who wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him tightly.

You smiled at the sight before getting out the car and thanking the driver before walking around the vehicle to find Charlie running towards them, Lizzie walking behind him.

"What presents did you get us, dad?" Charlie asked as Tommy let go of Ruby and hugged him.

"Presents? Oh, no we forgot their presents." You lied causing Charlie to let go of his father and rush towards you.

He wrapped his arms around your midsection and hugged you. "You're lying. You didn't forget the presents."

You chuckled softly, hugging him back before Ruby jogged over and hugged you too.

"They're in the back of the car, but only to be opened later. Okay?" You said, looking down at the two kids who both nodded.

"She's all better Tommy, you two came back for nothing." Lizzie suddenly said from behind you.

You turned around to find her beside Tommy who nodded, but you knew he was still going to take her to the doctors just to be on the safe side.

"Before we do anything else, we're gonna go for a drive, okay? Let's go." Tommy said, holding his hand out to Ruby.

The young girl took his hand as he began leading her back to the car before Charlie jogged after them.

"What about me?" The boy asked.

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