Chapter 12

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Margate was nice.

There was no denying the beautiful view from the top floor of your house that overlooked the ocean. It was absolutely stunning.

The house that Alfie bought was way to big for just the two of you, but you weren't complaining. The housekeeper from London was happy to move to Margate, so she was living in the house too.

It didn't have much of a backyard, so your brothers dog, Cyril, had now turned into an indoor dog, but he didn't seem to mind, finding comfort on the couch at night with his head in your lap.

He wasn't a lap dog, far from it, but it didn't seem to matter to him. Alfie would grumble at you whenever the dog was on the couch, but never made him get down.

Your brother was secretly a soft teddy bear on the inside. He always had been.

You took Cyril for walks every morning, knowing it wasn't healthy for him to be stuck indoors all day. He liked the beach, sometimes a little too much and didn't want to leave.

Alfie would join you on the morning walks, but never went in the water. To his defence it was freezing cold this time of year, but you didn't care. If you were living on the beach, you were going to take advantage of the water, despite how freezing it was.

"It's not that cold, come for a swim!" You shouted splashing Cyril as he jumped into the water after you, barking happily.

That was a lie though, it was fucking cold. But, you were not going to tell your brother that.

"It's fucking cold just standing here, sis. Ain't no way I'm getting in there." Alfie shouted back from where he was standing on the sand, watching you and his dog play in the water.

You rolled your eyes, glancing over at your pile of clothes by the water where you had dumped them. There was rarely anyone else on the beach when it was this cold, but you kept an eye on your stuff out of habit.

You were just wearing your bikini top and shorts, but had your towel and jacket ready for when you got out the water because that cool wind hitting your wet body would be very cold when you decided to get out.

"Fetch." You said, throwing a tennis ball further down the beach.

Cyril immediately chased after the ball, jumping in and out of the water as he ran after it before finally grabbing it and running back to you through the water.

"Good boy." You praised, patting his head from where you were sitting in the shallows before you grabbed the ball from his mouth and threw it again.

You glanced back over at your brother about to try and convince him to come into the water when you spotted someone else walking down the beach towards him.

Even from the distance, you knew who it was. There was no mistaking that black jacket and peaky cap.

It was Tommy Shelby.

You watched in confusion as Tommy walked towards your brother, stopping several meters away from him.

What the fuck was Tommy doing here?

"I do hope you're gonna leave my sister out of this. She had nothing to with it, even tried to stop me." You heard your brother say, his eyes glued to the ocean as he spoke, not even looking at Tommy.

"You were easy to find."

Tommy glanced over at you in the water, his eyes lingering on you for a moment before he looked back at your brother when he started to talk.

"Yeah, well, there's a good reason for that, Tommy. Because I wanted it to be here."

"I once told you, Alfie. For business reasons or in bad blood, I would kill you. I have no business reasons. It seems you have retired."

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